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Anger was all the ran through my body as I waited. I was sat in a room colored red with a bed and a couch in it. This room disgusted me but I have to be here. I have to show my face and remind him of my existence.

The doors burst open and a blonde girl walked in freezing at the sight of me. Bali followed laughing but he stopped when he saw me sat on the bed. I stood up and glared at the girl who scrambled our afraid.

"This is where you have been unfaithful huh?" I asked looking around the room in disgust.

"What are you doing here?" He asked mad as if he had the right to be mad at me.

"You should be ashamed, not angry! I'm the one who got cheated on not you" I said angrily glaring at him.

"I am disgusted with you. I never expected such acts from you" I hissed disappointed.

"If you spend one more night here I will go to my father and divorce you so you can consider yourself as good as dead" I pushed past him and walked out of the room. My personal guards followed after me out of the tavern and to the carriage. I rode back in silence choosing to stay the night in the throne's palace.

I walked into the harem and went to the room my mother was staying in during her stay until I give birth. I acted as if nothing was wrong as I glanced at the women bowing to me including Gülsah who was finally back on her feet and visiting my father again.

"I can't believe he would do such a thing," I said angrily walking into her room

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"I can't believe he would do such a thing," I said angrily walking into her room. She had already known where I was going.

"Calm down, no man is satisfied with one woman only," my mother said as if this situation was nothing. As if my pride was nothing.

"You expect me to just forget?" I asked heartbroken at her cold demeanor and the way she just didn't care.

"No don't forget, just act like you haven't seen or heard anything, it's better that way for you and him," she said shrugging

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"No don't forget, just act like you haven't seen or heard anything, it's better that way for you and him," she said shrugging.

"I can't do that" I shook my head turning away from her. I whipped under my eyes to get rid of any tears that fell down my face.

"Why not?" She asked standing up from her couch and glared at me. All that mattered to her was that I didn't get divorced and that was obvious now.

"Because I'm not a concubine, I'm not a slave and my pride is more important than him. Because I'm not you " I hissed before leaving her room angrily. I know I hurt her feelings but she must remember I am not a slave but the daughter of sultan Suleiman Khan.

I walked into my old room in the palace and sat down on my bed. My legs were bouncing up and down feeling angry at Bali and myself. How could I let things escalate so far so quickly? The doors burst open and Bali walked in.

"You can't come into the harem" I stood up glaring at him. He had that look in his eyes that resembled guilt.

"I came here to apologize, " he said quietly. The tension in the room could be cut by a knife.

"I'm sorry, I disrespected you and your honor. I am ashamed of myself. I know that you're hormonal and what you said you didn't mean but your words still hurt me and I felt like I was getting revenge this way" he said looking down ashamed at himself.

"I'm sorry too, for belittling you, I shouldn't have. You are a cherished warrior and I love you very much" I stepped closer to him and raised his head up to look at me. What did my mother say? Don't forget but act like you saw and heard nothing. I will never forget his betrayal ever.

"You do?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"You're my husband and the father of my children's and if I didn't love you I wouldn't forgive you" I pulled him down and kissed him on the lips. His grip tightened around me as he kissed me back pulling me up to his bight.

"Will you be moving back into the main bedroom with me?" I asked as I laid on Bali's naked chest. His fingers were running through my messed-up curls.

"Of course, I won't leave you unprotected" he whispered kissing my forehead. I smiled and looked up at him. I couldn't help but remember the image I created in my head, him with the blonde girl in his arms.

I pulled away from him losing my smile at the reminder. I pulled a blanket up to cover myself and slid down to the foot of the bed. My dress laid on the floor beside my feet, I pulled it up and over my head to cover my body again.

"What's wrong, Nafize?" Bali asked sitting up making sure the blanket was cover his lower body.

"Nothing" I answered coldly picking up my overdress and put it on buttoning it up in the front.

"Nafize, I know you better than yourself," he said sliding to the edge of the bed with a blanket wrapped around his lower parts. I sat down beside him with an exhausted sigh.

"I just keep imagining you with that woman. I hate the fact that someone else touched you" I admit looking down trying hard not to cry. My pride with above all and that's why no one must know of this incident ever.

"I'm all yours now" he whispered pulling me in for a kiss, passionate yet sweet.

"You know she must die so no one could know about this affair," I said pulling away from him.

"Let's not kill her and instead send her to a safe place" he suggested running his fingers through my hair.

"I will tell Yusuf to hide her" I whispered before attacking his lips with mine.

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