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"May Allah give our young Sultana a long life," Esma said earning amens from around the room. I smiled as they handed me my now clean baby after they also cleaned me up.

"Let everyone in" I ordered as Nur placed a shawl on my head. I held my daughter close to me. I looked up as the doors opened and my father walked in with my mother followed by Hurrem sultan and my siblings and husband.

"Give me my granddaughter" My father ordered eagerly. I handed him the small babe. He smiled happily holding his granddaughter to his chest.

"Your name will be Gevherhan"

"Your name will be Gevherhan"

"Your name will be Gevherhan"

Mustafa and Suleiman climbed up the bed and sat down beside me watching in wonder as my father handed Gevherhan to Beli Bey to hold her for the first time.

"How are you feeling?" My father asked sitting down beside me on the bed and took my hand into his.

"I'm perfect as long as you're by my side" I answered pulling his hand up to kiss the back of it. He smiled and patted my cheek before getting up and leaving with everyone else except my husband and children.

"Geveherhan, our first daughter" Bali bey repeated her name sitting down beside me on the bed in my father's place.

"She's amazing, isn't she?" I asked making him nod. I smiled and picked up Suleiman and sat him on my lap so he could see his sister.

"That's baby?" He asked still having some mistakes in his sentence. I chuckled and nodded my head.

"Hold her" He opened his arms but stopped when his father shook his head. I pulled him closer and kissed his forehead.

"Maybe another time" I kissed his forehead before calling Nur to come over and take the boys. I kissed Mustafa's cheek before Nur and Esma took them.

"Rest darling, I could see the exhaustion on your face," Bali Bey said standing up. He placed Gevherhan in her crib before walking over to the bed and laid down beside me. He held me close to him as I slept.

"Who did my father choose?" I asked Bali Bey as I sat in my bed with Bali Bey. I took a sip from my cup grimacing as the bitter taste of the herbs rested on my tongue.

"He chose Shehzade Selim" He answered making me choke and cough a couple of times and look at him wide-eyed.

"He what? He can't, Selim is anything but suitable for the throne" I placed the cup on the coffee table beside me. I placed my face in my hands feeling dread fill me up.

"Nafise, don't do anything stupid" Bali Bey warned pulling my hands off of my face and looked me in the eyes.

"When have I ever?" I asked making him smile and nodded. He stood up and kissed my forehead before leaving the room.

"Esma, come here" I called pushing the covers off of my body and sat up throwing my legs to the side as she walked in and bowed to me.

"What can I help you with Sultana?" She asked looking up at me. I stood up ignoring the slight pain in between my legs.

"Send to Nigar Kalfa, I want her to send me the three maids we've been training all these years" I ordered walking over to my vanity table picking up the hairbrush and started brushing through my hair.

"What caused that decision?" She asked confused. I looked at her through the mirror with a slight glare on my face. She nodded and bowed before leaving the room knowing that order should not be questioned.

"These are the girls, Sultana" Yusuf Agha said as I stood up from the couch. Yusuf Agha was a normal harem agha in Amasya but when he pledged his loyalty to me I raised him to be my personal agha.

"Ah, the last time I saw them they were merely young girls" I started walking closer to the three girls standing in front of me with their heads bowed down. The first one was a brunette with green eyes. The second one had stark black hair with stark blue eyes. The third one was had blonde hair with blue eyes.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked the girls stopping in front of the first girl and placed my forefinger under her chin and pulled her face up to look at me.

"Nafise Sultan, daughter of Sultan Suleiman Khan and sister to Shehzades Mustafa, Selim, Beyazid and Cihangir and Mihrimah Sultan" She answered making me nod with a satisfied smile adorning my face.

"Exactly, if any of you even thought about betraying me remember my title because if any of you did betray me then I will have her head on a spike" I warned walking in front of the other two girls. The last one trembled in fear making me smirk and turn back to the first one.

"You girl, what was your name?" I asked walking back in front of her. She looked up at me to make sure I was talking to her before turning her gaze back to the floor.

"My name is Sandra, Sultanim" She answered. I thought about it for a minute, I didn't like her name.

"Not anymore, your name will be Saliha from now on" She kneeled down and kissed my robe before standing back up in front of me.

"You will be sent as a present to my brother Mustafa, I want to know everything about him" She nodded and bowed before I moved on to the second one.

"And you, hatun, what was your name?" I asked clasping my hands behind my back.

"Mira, Sultanim" She answered looking up at me

"Hmm, how about Rabia" I suggested. She kneeled down at my feet and kissed my robes. I moved on to the third girl.

"My name is Jane," She said before I could ask her. I sighed and thought hard for a name to suit the petit girl.

"Your name will be Gülnus" She kneeled like the other two and kissed my robes before taking her place beside them.

"Rabia will be sent to Selim and Gülnus will be sent to Beyazid" I ordered Esma who bowed.

"I want everything to be sent to me, good or bad, understood?" I asked the three girls who nodded their heads making me smirk.

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