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"Is this campaign really important? I fear for my father's health" I whispered as I fixed Bali Bey's clothes. Bali pulled my head closer to him and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Nafize, he will be fine, his doctor will be with us on this campaign" Bali said trying to reassure me. I sighed and hugged him tightly, I leaned my head on his chest listing to his heartbeat under my head. Bali Bey wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back just as tightly.

"I'm just afraid. Ever since we lost Selim and Beyazid I fear for my father and Mustafa" I whispered. Bali Bey pulled away from me and looked down at me. He placed his hands on my cheeks rubbing the apple of my cheeks.

"Nafize, it's been seven years since Sehzade Beyazid died, please it's time to move on. Life changed and you should know that the most" Bali said moving his hands so they were placed on my shoulders and he turned me around to face the other side of the room. I couldn't help but smile when I saw Mustafa and Suleiman looking through a book in Latin, the seventeen years old was teaching the sixteen years old a new world in said language. Gevherhan who was now eleven was fixing Rukiye's hair who had just turned eight years old. Rukiye huffed rolling her eyes as my and Bali Bey's last son Ibrahim grabbed the edge of his sword in her stomach, he had turned five a while back. My eyes trailed to Nur sitting on the couch beside Gevherhan with my and Bali Bey's newest child one-year-old Ismihan.

"You're right" I nodded my head in agreement. I turned around and faced Bali again. He smiled down at me and placed his palm on my cheek.

"Take care of yourself and our children," Bali Bey said. I nodded my head and pulled him in for a hug.

"Take care of yourself and Mustafa" I begged Bali. He kissed my forehead before walking over to my children. After saying goodbye Bali left the room so he can catch up with the party leaving from our palace to the campaign.

"Come on, we have to go say goodbye to your grandfather" I called for the children. Mustafa stood up and walked over to me while holding Ibrahim's hand.

"Mother, why didn't grandfather let me go with them?" Mustafa asked pouting a little. I chuckled and wrapped my arm around his shoulders which proved to be a little hard since he was now slightly taller than me.

"You're still young darling, maybe next time" I answered. Mustafa sighed and continued walking alongside me out of the palace and into the carriage. In my carriage, I sat with Mustafa and Ibrahim, and Ismihan in my lap. In a second carriage, Suleiman was with Gevherhan and Rukiye while Nur got in for supervision.

"Will uncle Mustafa join the campaign?" Mustafa asked curiously.

"Yes darling, he will join them next week" I answered. The carriage stopped in front of the palace. A harem agha opened the carriage door and helped me down the steps before helping the children.

"Come on" I fixed my grip around Ismihan and walked into the palace. I handed Ismihan to Nur when we reached my father's chambers. I walked in to find Hürrem standing at the head of the line with Mihrimah beside her with Ayse Hümasah while Cihangir was standing on the other side of the room facing his mother.

"Sultana" I bowed to Hürrem who nodded at me grimly. I stood beside Ayse Hümasah and my children stood in a line beside me.

"Hümasah, what a beautiful girl you've grown into. I pray for Allah to grant you good luck in life" I said to my niece. Hümasah blushed and looked down at the ground shyly.

"Thank you sister, Mustafa is such a handsome boy too," Mihrimah said glancing at my son. Mustafa puffed out his chest proudly beside me making me chuckle.

"DESTOR, SULTAN SULEIMAN, HIS HIGHNESS" a guard announced. We all bowed to my father who walked in with his new agha. He looked anything but in shape to go to war but we couldn't do or say anything. My father said his farewell to us one by one.

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