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I turned around the corner in the golden road, I could see my father's room come into view. Bali Bey was standing beside the door as he usually does, when he saw me he stepped closer to me.

"Why did you send the children yesterday? Did something happen?" He asked worriedly. I nodded my head as my eyes trailed to the other side of the corridor where my father's guards stood with their heads down.

"I will tell you later. Which one is Ali?" I asked. He turned around and looked at them too, to see why I would be asking such a thing.

"The one on the left, why?" He asked but his question went unanswered as I walked closer to the man now identified as Ali.

"So you're Ali" I stopped in front of him looking him up and down, he wasn't that handsome and I have no idea what made Nur fall for him.

"Come with me" I ordered and walked back towards my father's room. The guard at the door bowed and opened the door for us.

"Nafise, darling, what's going on?" My father asked we walked in and bowed. He stood up from his bed and stepped down to stand in front of me.

"This man standing beside me, Ali, he tricked my maid and told her he would marry her but threw her away the moment he heard that she is pregnant with his child" I explained glaring at Ali who looked up in fear at us.

"I know my maid is at fault too for believing him but anyone would after so many years of enslavement. I want this many punished" My father glared at his guard who seemed to cower back and looked down at his feet.

"What do you suggest?" My father asked turning to look at me while wrapping his hand around his other one behind his back.

"I want him whipped fifty times before marrying him to the poor maid" My father nodded his head and called his other guards to do so.

"No, please your majesty, please don't do that" Ali begged as his friends started to drag him out of the room with guilty faces, they still didn't know who he really was, he was a dirty person and I will divorce Nur from him the moment she gives birth and marry her to an actual man who takes responsibility.

"What is the punishment you will be giving your maid?" My father asked turning back to me as the doors closed and the guard's screams got downed out.

"I haven't decided yet but it can't be something physical, as you know she's pregnant" I answered. He nodded his head understanding. What am I supposed to do with her? She was my friend and I can't bring myself to do more than I have done already last night and I think the beating was an enough lesson for her.

"Their wedding will be tomorrow" My father informed walking back to his bed and sat down on it looking more majestic than ever.

"As you wish, your majesty. Excuse me I have to get back to my children" He nodded his head as I bowed before leaving his room only to be stopped by Bali bey.

"Tell me what is going on? Why did they drag that guard out like a criminal?" He asked stepping closer to me.

"I will tell you everything when we get home this afternoon" I promised before leaving him there and walking back to the harem. I stood at the door making the girls in there stand up and bow to me with their heads bowed.

"Nur, I free you from being a slave, and from now in you're a free woman," I said loudly. All of the girls started whispering to one another having got a new topic to gossip about now.

"What? Please, sultana, I don't have anywhere to go" She begged running over to where I stood at the door and kneeled down in front of me taking my dress in her hands.

"I won't throw you out, Nur. You will be married tomorrow to Ali Agha and if you would like you can still serve here in the harem" I pulled my dress out of her grasp as she sighed in relief and tears ran down her face.

"Now go chose a wedding dress and prepare yourself for tomorrow" I ordered helping her stand up. She bowed before leaving the harem with some other girls to prepare.

"I was expecting you to be harsher on her" I turned around to face the snake that came down from her hole to watch the whole thing unfold.

"I am not like you Hurrem, I have mercy on the innocent," I said back glaring at her. I turned around and walked down the harem and to my room where my children were waiting for me, ready to leave back home to our castle.

"Is everything ready?" I asked Esma as I picked up Gevehran and held her close to me. Mustafa held her hand looking overly cute in his new clothes. Suleiman held her other hand with a soft smile on his face feeling happy about his new clothes and getting to return to a place he doesn't remember but his parents' have talked about very fondly.

"Yes, Sultanim" I sighed looking around my childhood room one last time before leaving. It felt like my wedding day all over again when I left it to move to my marriage cage and even seeing this room felt like a miracle.

"MAKE WAY, NAFISE SULTAN, SULTANZADES MUSTAFA AND SULEIMAN, GEVEHRAN HANIM SULTAN HAS ARRIVED" A harem agha announced as we reached the main corridor of the harem, the girls stood up and bowed to us. I looked at Hurrem's balcony where she stood with her daughter glaring down at me but all I gave them was a smirk before continuing my way out of the castle and to my own.

I smiled as my castle came in view, this place meant the world to me, here I kissed a man for the first time in my life, here Bali Bey made love to me for the first time, here I gave birth to my boys. Here I fell in love for the first time, here me and Bali Bey had our first fight, here he pulled me close to him and comforted me when I had my miscarriage, and here I will live.

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