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I smiled as the carriage I am in passed through the familiar path to my home. I watched as the trees turned into houses and then into the famous garden in our castle.

"Why do you think father asked for me and my brother?" I asked looking at my mother who was looking out of the window wearily.

"I do not know, but we will find out soon," she said as the carriage stopped in front of a pathway where some of the people who work at the palace were waiting for us.

The doors of the carriage were pulled open by two harem aghas, one of them offered my mother his hand to help her down the steps then did the same with me.

I walked behind my brother and mother looking around me at the familiar garden. I saw the flowers that I used to play in when I was still a very young girl beside my brothers and sister. I saw the pond that almost swallowed one of my brothers, Mehmed, when he was very young, I knew this even though I wasn't born at the time yet.

My father and mother's relationship ended way before I was born but by some miracle when Hurrem sultan, my father's legitimate wife, was banished my father asked for my mother and I was conceived, it was a mistake for my father until he heard of the pregnancy and became very happy about it while it was the best night of my mother's life at the time.

I walked into the harem and stood beside my mother and brother where Afife hatun was bowing to us with Gulfem hatun both smiling at us.

"Welcome back my prince" Afife hatun said you my brother who thanked her before walking to the side waiting for me and my mother to finish our greetings before we went to see our father.

"You grew up beautifully Nafize Sultan" Gulfem complimented me as she held my arms into hers. Nafize was the name my father gave me and it made me feel so special when my mother explained the meaning of it when I grew up, it meant the precious, I was my father's precious daughter, I was my mother's precious jewel, I was my brother's precious sister. I was the dynasty's precious Sultana Nafize, the first of my name.

"Thank you Gulfem hatun" I smiled at her before moving to stand beside my brother who smiled brightly at me. I couldn't return the smile for I had an inkling why my father wanted us here.

"Let's go, children, your father must be waiting for you," Mother said walking over to us. We walked out of the harem and to our father's wing, the famous Padishah wing.

I walked in after Mustafa keeping my head down as I bowed beside my brother. I looked up to see my father looking at us with a smile before opening his arms' I grinned and ran into his arms loving the feeling of being back into his arms after such a long time.

"I've missed you father" I muttered as we pulled away. He placed his hands on my cheeks and looked at me with a bright smile on his lips.

"Me too my precious daughter" I smiled as he kissed my forehead. I moved to the side giving Mustafa the chance to walk over and kiss the back of father's hand beside he too was pulled in for a hug.

"You two are finally here" I turned to look at the door to see my older brother Mehmed was standing there with my sister Mihrimah.

"Mehmed" I squealed and ran over pulling him in for a hug feeling him chuckled as he hugged me back.

"What about me?" Mihrimah asked pouting a little.

"I missed you too Mihrimah" I pulled her in a tight hug missing being with my only sister.

"Where are Selim, Beyazid, and Cihangir?" Father asked earning our attention.

"They should be here any minute, your majesty" Mehmed answered making father nod. The doors opened and the famous Hurrem sultan walked in, I could see my mother's smile flatter at the sight of the woman who she believes stole her life from her.

"Sultana" I bowed to her as she passed by me. She gave me a tense smile as she looked me from head to toes.

"Ah beautiful Nafize" I smiled at her before she walked over to father. Father insisted that we all have dinner as a family tonight even if I and Mustafa arrived late because he had an announcement to make. I felt exhausted just like Mustafa and Mother but we didn't dare to complain for we knew whatever father had to announce was very important.

I stood up as my aunt Sah walked in with her daughter and my other aunt Hatice behind her. I bowed to both before I was pulled in for a hug by both of them.

"It's good to see you again Esmehan" she smiled at me before we all sat down around the huge table that was placed for us.

I looked at my mother beside me who seemed a little tense at being on the same table as Hurrem but when I held her hand to calm her down she took a deep breath and put on a small smile.

"You all may be wondering why I asked for you all to be present today" I could see my sister tense on her cushion but gave it no second thought.

"After making sure that the apple of my eye Mihrimah accepts I would like to announce her marriage to the ruler of Dyar Becker Rustom pasha" I froze and looked beside me at my sister who looked down. I thought she liked Bali Bay, at least I got that impression from her letters.

"And since my two daughters promised each other to be married on the same day when they were young I organized with Mahidevran for Nafize to marry Malkoçoglu Bali Bay on the same day" I froze for a second before looking at my mother who was smiling. When she saw my frown her smile disappeared and so did Mustafa's.

"Father with your permission I would like to retreat to my chamber, you know I'm very tired from traveling" he nodded his head and went back to eating. I stood up and bowed shakily to everyone before leaving the room, I could hear footsteps behind me which I knew were my mother's so I stopped and waited.

"How could you take such a big decision without my consent?" I asked turning around to face her with a fierce glare.

"I couldn't do anything, your father was keen on finding you a husband as fast as possible so your and your sister's dream will come true and I chose Bali Bay because I know he will treat you right" she explained placing her hands on my shoulders.

"You chose the man my sister is in love with to marry me, you did it on purpose" I shrugged her shoulders off before walking down the corridor only to be stopped by an agha.

"Sultana, Bali Bay would like to speak with you tomorrow morning in the gardens"

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