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"Nafize, I have a request of you," Bali Bey said as we sat together for dinner. I placed down my spoon and turned my attention to him. The children have already been fed and sent to be for the night so we had some time for ourselves.

"What is it, Bey?" I asked quietly to not ruin the calm atmosphere that had surrounded the room.

"I want you to put whatever plan you're working on, on pause or better stop it," he said. I raised my eyebrow at him confused. I was no Idiot and nor was he so I knew he knew that I was planning something.

"Why?" I asked shocked. Why all of a sudden he was asking for me to stop my plan? Why now?

"I don't want it to affect you during you're pregnancy" he answered back.

"I'm fine and so is the child, stop worrying" I snapped. I took my cup and drowned down the juice before getting up from the pillow.

"I'm just looking out for you," He said making me stop walking. The door was only a couple of steps away and I could easily ignore him and leave but a tug at my heart stopped. I took a deep breath to calm down myself. One of the things I didn't like about being pregnant is the mood swings.

"I know, but I can take care of myself," I said back without turning around. I could see the maids around the room shifting uncomfortably. I signaled for them to leave us alone with my head and they were happy to comply wanting to be anywhere but here in the same room as us as we argued.

"Can you? Can you take care of yourself? Can you take care of our child? On your own?" Bali asked

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"Can you? Can you take care of yourself? Can you take care of our child? On your own?" Bali asked. I could hear him getting up from the pillow he was sat on. His footsteps grew nearer and nearer but they stopped a couple of feet away from me.

"I can, I'm stronger than I let on" I turned around and looked at him. He raised his eyebrow, it was obvious he didn't believe me one bit.

"You want me to stop my plan, do you even know what my plan is? Do you know if it's dangerous or not?" I asked stalking up to him until our chests almost touched.

"As long as it's associated with Hürrem then it's dangerous. That woman is ruthless and wouldn't care if you were her stepdaughter or if you're pregnant " Bali hissed angrily. I could see that this argument was getting under his skin and I loved it, I hated that I loved it but I couldn't stop myself, I was too deep in.

"I'm not stopping just because you said so, don't forget who's the stronger one here Bali! Don't forget that you have no influence in this marriage. I am the one who divorces you not the other way around, I am no ordinary woman. When you agree to this marriage you should've known what you were signing up for" I hissed pushing at his chest. I knew I was going too far but he needed a reminder that he may be the man in this relationship but I was the stronger one in it. I was the one with the last word. I am the sultana and he was the Bey.

"Understood," he said taking a step back. I know my words hurt him, his feelings but his ego needed to hear this. He's not going to boss me around no matter who he was.

"Good, let's go to bed, I'm tired," I said turning back around and started walking towards the door. I stopped when I didn't hear footsteps following behind me and turned around to look at him, he was still stood where he was earlier with a stone-cold face on. The look he was giving me caused shivers to run through my body but I acted like nothing affected me.

"You go, I have work to finish first," he said coldly. I nodded before leaving the main room and went straight to bed. He lied, he never came to bed that night, I tossed and turned waiting for him but he just never blessed me with his presence, note the sarcasm.

I huffed sitting up angrily as the sun started rising and light came into the room through the windows. I leaned against the headboard tiredly, just still not able to sleep. The doors opened and maids walked in seeming shocked to see me awake instead of asleep, they're job was to wake me up but when they saw that I was awake they were about to leave.

"Send for the palace, I won't be visiting today, I do not feel well" I ordered. The maids bowed before scrambling out. I sighed closing my eyes as the argument I and Bali had played in my head again for the billionth time. Yusuf agha walked into the room and bowed to me.

"Where is Bali Bey?" I asked opening my eyes back up.

"He left for the palace, Sultanim" Yusuf answered. He didn't even ask if I wanted to go with him.

"Where did he sleep?" I asked almost ashamed. I was ashamed for snapping at him like that. I shouldn't let out my pent-up anger on him but I couldn't hold my tongue any longer, I felt like I let him drag me around for years and I was finally making a stand for myself.

"One of the spare rooms and he ordered for it to be prepared for him to move to it permanently" I felt my heart sink at the new information. He didn't want to sleep with me in the same room anymore. He didn't want to hold me anymore. I broke us, so suddenly and unexpectedly. I wish I could go back in time and fix things.

"Leave me alone," I said trying hard not to let my voice crack. Yusuf bowed before leaving me alone in the room. I couldn't help the sobs that wracked my body when the doors closed, I knew everyone heard but since they were not in the room they had to act like they didn't hear a thing and that's as a relief for me, to not be reminded of my weak moment.

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