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I looked up as the doors to my room opened and my brother walked in followed by our mother. I stood up and bowed to them with a small smile trying to show them that I really wasn't as miserable as they thought I was.

"Nafize" Mustafa walked over and pulled me in for a hug making me relax as his arms wrapped around me protectively. I hugged him back feeling my heart slow down a little as I finally felt a little safe.

"Mustafa" I pulled away and looked at him. He kissed my forehead before leaning his own on mine. We held each other for a moment cherishing the seconds we had together before I would be taken to my castle where I will be living with my husband and he will be leaving for his sanjak soon.

"My beautiful daughter" my mother walked over to me and pulled me in for a hug letting her emotions get the best of her for a moment.

"I will miss you," she said pulling away. I smiled at her and kissed the back of her hand.

"I will miss you too, mom" it has been so long since I've called her mom without any formality, I've been calling her mother since I was young and this is one of the rare times I call her mom from a daughter to a mother and not from a woman to another who must hold their manners. This was a raw emotional moment and I loved every second of it.

Mustafa left us after a while having to be with the men that will be leaving for Mihrimah's castle first to drop her off before they return to drop me off at my own castle. My mother walked over to the couch and took my crown in her hands and walked over to me and placed it on my head before she placed the veil on my head covering my face.

I took a deep breath before I walked out of my room separating from my mother who would be on the Valide's balcony with Hurremsultan.

I walked into the harem making everyone bow to me. I stopped at the doors and looked up to see my mother staring at me with teary eyes and Hurrem with a small smile as it was known in the castle that at weddings and funerals all of the rivalries in the royal family will be put on hold for those special days.

I gave the two women a small bow and smile before I continued walking through the harem with my maids dropping golden coins behind me. Today was a blessed day to the maids for they had two coin droppings, they must be delighted and that's other than the gifts from the wedding.

I walked out of the castle with a long line of harem aghas and maids. I'm pretty sure there were more than twenty people walking behind me. Afife hatun welcomed me at the door of my carriage and helped me in before getting in herself.

When we reached my new home I walked into the main room where my father and brothers and now husband were at. Everyone stood up when I walked in except my father who gave me a bright smile as I walked closer. I bowed to my father and nodded at my brothers, I looked beside me at my husband who bowed to me before turning his back to us to give us a moment.

I walked over to my father and kneeled at his feet taking his robe in my hands and kissed it as he patted my cheek.

"My precious daughter is all grown up. I had to give away my two daughters on the same day, I can't say I don't feel at least a little sad" I smiled at my father's humor and hugged him unable to hold myself back, he patted my back before I let go.

I walked over to Mustafa who smiled at me, o took his hand into mine, and kissed the back of it. It was only Mustafa who I would be showing such a move with for he was the eldest and the crown prince even if he didn't rule Manesa. He pulled me in for a hug placing a kiss to my forehead before I moved to Mehmed who smiled brightly at me and pulled me in for a tight hug.

Mehmed was my bright brother and I loved him as much as I loved Mustafa which I knew bothered my mother for she saw him as competition to my brother for the throne but he was still my brother and we shared the same blood.

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