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I got out of the carriage against the will of my maids and my own. I was pulled down harshly by one of the men and so were my maids as the aghas and the drives were held with knives to their throats.

"Well isn't the sultan's daughter just beautiful?" Their leader asked stepping closer to where I stood with a man behind me. He wasn't touching me anymore but he half a knife to my back which I could feel Malay tear thrifty my dress and flesh.

"Let me go and I will show you mercy," I said not showing him an ounce of fear which I knew angered him even more and maybe that was stupid but I truly wasn't that scared.

"As if you have any power to do anything. Women have zero influence in this dynasty" he said harshly holding my face in his disgusting hand.

"You have no idea," I said pulling my face out of his hand smirking smugly at him. He growled and was about to slap me but stopped when he heard movement not bothering to put his hand down.

"You keep your filthy hands off her" I turned to see Bali Bey jump off his horse pulling out his swords and started fighting the rebellious men along with his own men.

I smiled as I watched him fight for me, to save me

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I smiled as I watched him fight for me, to save me. He could've left me to die and told my father that he didn't reach me in time. I knew that Bali Bey was an honorable man but him protecting me right now felt more than just for honor or to simply protect his wife.

The look on his face showed how much he cared and loved me. He wasn't protecting his wife or the mother of his son, no he was protecting the love of his life. He loved me and I loved him the matter was simple and anyone with a brain could understand that and that was what made me believe that my sister was brainless.

My head snapped to the side as a hand wrapped around my bicep and started pulling me away from the fight. It was the leader of the rebellion and he seemed determined to get me one way or another.

"Let me go you filth" I ordered harshly but he just ignored me and continued pulling me away from the man I love.

"Malkoçoglu!" I screamed feeling fear for the first time since this whole thing started. He turned around and looked at me with angry eyes as he saw a man pull me away. I watched as he dropped his sword to the floor and pulled out a dagger from his belt. I closed my eyes as he threw it, I heard it's impact just as the pressure and pulling on my arm stopped. I looked down on the floor to see the man laying on his face with a dagger sticking out of the back of his head as he stared blankly at the floor.

I hand clasped around my bicep and pulled me into someone's chest hugging me tightly

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I hand clasped around my bicep and pulled me into someone's chest hugging me tightly. I knew that it was Bali which made me relax and finally let the tears of fear leave my eyes. I held him tightly feeling like my legs would give out under me any second.

"Nafize" I closed my eyes tightly as he said my name in a whisper that was full of love and kindness. I pulled away and looked up at him not caring that he was seeing my tears filled eyes as some rolled down my cheek but he was there to wipe them off and pull me closer to kiss my forehead.

He guided me back to the carriage and helped me inside of it before getting in himself which shocked me since he had always voiced his dislike of riding in carriages.

"I've got you," he said as I let out a sob and pulled my head onto his shoulder and rubbed my back. He kissed my forehead one more time as we drove. He held me tightly to comfort me or maybe to comfort himself that I was safe and sound.

Where we reached the throne's castle Bali Bey helped me down from the carriage and into the castle not letting me go for a second. I glared at Rustom Pasha who was standing in front of the doors to my father's room. The guards informed my father that I was here with my husband and he immediately let me.

His facial expression changed from happy to worried when he saw me leaning on Bali Bey with swollen eyes from obvious crying.

"What's wrong my precious?" He asked placing his hands on my shoulders. Bali Bey pulled away from me letting my father hold me in his place.

"I was attacked, dad" it's been so long since I've called him dad instead of your majesty of the formal word father. I felt like a child again being held by her father after a nightmare.

"Who would dare attack my precious daughter?" He asked madly looking up at Bali Bey who sighed deeply also mad about what had happened.

"The Edirne rebellion," I said harshly glaring at the floor as if I could see the dead bodies of the men who were there, each one of them.

"How would they know where you are?" My father asked guiding me towards his bed and sat me down before sitting down himself and pulled me into his side hugging me. I could see him frown as he felt me shake under his touch.

"They had help from the inside" Bali Bey answered. My father probably knew the answer but just wanted to hear it to believe it.

"Who?" He asked rubbing up and down my back as my shaking ceased and I started to calm down.

"Mihrimah," I said with venom lacing my voice. My father looked down at me shocked and confused at why would I accuse her.

"She called me to the marble castle and on the way back I encountered them and they mentioned her name" I clarified and looked up at Bali Bey who didn't seem shocked at all.

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