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I was literally bouncing up and down as the minutes ticked by. I heard horses hooves hitting the floor making me run over to the window and push the curtains to the side and look out of the window as my brother stopped his horse in front of Malkoçoglu who bowed to my brother along with everyone else.

I grinned brightly as footsteps reached the main room where I was waiting. The doors opened to show my brother smiling at me making my heart skip a beat as I have missed him dearly.

"Mustafa!" I squealed running over to him and jumping in his arms no caring for customs or having to bow to him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly hugging me close to him. He picked me up and twirled me around making me laugh before he placed me back down on the floor.

"I missed you my Nafize," he said placing his hands on my cheeks.

"I missed you too very dearly," I said hugging him again making him laugh before we pulled away and walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Where's my nephew?" He asked looking up at Malkoçoglu who bowed and knocked on the door talking the aghas to bring the baby. He walked over to where we sat and joined us.

"How have you been, my flower?" Mustafa asked taking my hands into his rubbing comforting circles at the back of them.

"I've been great. How have you been? Did you bring Nargesah with you?" I asked eagerly. He chuckled at my eagerness.

"Motherhood didn't change you one bit and yes I did, she's asleep so she will be bought her when she wakes up" he answered. I giggled at his words and shrugged. But walked in with Mustafa in her arms and handed him to his uncle who held him gently.

"Ah younger Mustafa" my brother joked making laugh. Bali Bey smiled at the nickname.

"Father chose that name for him and if he didn't I would've been mad at him. He knows how much I love you and miss you" he looked at me and smiled. He handed the baby to Bali Bey and turned to me beckoning a harem agha over who held a pillow with a necklace on it.

"You didn't have to Mustafa," I said watching him take it off the pillow. He waved me off before wrapping the jewelry around my neck.

"Thank you, brother," I said turning back around to face him

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"Thank you, brother," I said turning back around to face him. He patted my cheek before the door was opened earning our attention. Our father walked in making us all jump up and bow to him.

"I couldn't help but come here to see my grandson especially after Mustafa mentioned how eager he was to meet him," father said walking over to Bali Bey and taking the baby from him.

"So now you only visit my son?" I asked pouting at him. He chuckled and walked over to me kissing my forehead.

"Of course and see you too," he said. I smiled as he sat down with the baby still in his arms.

The day went like this, we were a big happy family for the day and I loved every second of it. Mustafa was here, father was here and so was mother.

"Today was exhausting," Malkoçoglu said sitting down on our bed after he changed into his sleepwear.

"Yeah, it was" I agreed brushing my hair with a comb. I watched him through the mirror stand back up and walk over to where I sat and placed his hands on my shoulders. I stopped combing my hair and gave him my full attention.

"My work is nothing in front of what you're doing," he said lowly starting to massage my tense shoulders. I placed down the comb on the vanity table and closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of his fingers on my shoulders.

I let my head lean back against his stomach for a moment before he moved to kneel beside my sitting form.

His fingers went to under my chin and moved my face to look at him. He let his finger wander up to my cheek and then through my combed hair. He pulled my head closer to his stopping when we were only a hair away giving me a chance to pull away like he always does.

I leaned down and captured his lips with my own. I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me up bridal style holding me protectively against him. He walked over to our bed and sat down it placing me on his lap. I pulled away from him breathless and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Why are you so closed off?" I asked the man in front of me. He wasn't Bali Bey at the moment no he was my husband, the man I had feelings for.

"Because I don't want to get hurt or hurt anyone ever again" he answered truthfully leaning his head on to my shoulder. I let out a shuddering breath as his mustache tickled the sensitive skin of my neck along with his lips.

"Do you think you'll ever be able to love me as you loved them?" I asked. He stopped for a moment before pushing the silky fabric of my dress off my shoulder and moved his lips there.

"Maybe I already do" he muttered looking at me straight in the eyes.

"What is I told you that I don't believe you," I asked in a whisper. I let my hands wander under his silk shirt and run over his muscular shoulder and the back of his neck.

"Then I'll just have to prove it to you," he said before smashing his lips to mine. I sighed as his lips moved skillfully over my own as he moved me to lay down on the bed and climbing over me.

He pushed the other shoulder of the dress down exposing the skin under. His roamed down to my thing pulling my leg up so it will be easier for him to feel the skin there.

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