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"What did you and Mihrimah talk about after we left?" Bali Bey asked as we walked down the garden enjoying the now night sky before he has to leave for our castle and me to my room.

"Nothing important, darling" I answered bringing his coat closer around my body, I admit that it was stupid not bringing an extra coat with me but this was I got to have Bali's coat wrapped around me.

"Mihrimah seemed pretty angry when we left" He pointed out pressing on the matter. I shrugged my shoulders as we reached the main doors of the castle.

"She's always mad" I stopped walking and turned around to face him. I took off his coat and handed it back to him. He took it and held it on his arm.

"We will see each other tomorrow, I will talk to my father about moving back here to Istanbul" I smiled and turned around to walk in but he stopped me by holding my arm and pulling me back over.

"Wait moving back here? Since when did you make decisions and not tell me?" He asked angrily tightening his hand around my bicep.

"What are you talking about? I sent you a letter when we couldn't meet after the birth of Gevehran and I recieved an answer to that letter too" I pulled my arm out of his hold and turned to look at him.

"I didn't receive any letters from you but I sent you a letter but never got an answer back" I raised my eyebrow. I didn't receive any letters from him except the one where he agreed with me that we should stay.

"Someone is stealing our letters and sending us fake ones" I sighed placing my hand on my forehead as I tried to think of someone who would do such a thing.

"But how did they get our stamps?" Bali asked curiously. I looked up at the night sky before my eyes trailed to my father's balcony where a beautiful woman by the name of Valeria or Nazanin hatun.

"Go back home and let me take care of this" He nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving the garden. I stomped down the harem angrily taking Sunbul agha by the arm harshly making him yelp and look at me with confused eyes.

"Go tell your sultana I will be paying her a visit" I hissed pushing him towards the stairs. He stumbled and ran up the stairs muttering to himself like a mad man.

"Welcome back Sultanim, how did your dinner with the sultana go?" Nur asked bowing to me. I turned my glare to her making her stagger a bit back.

"You and I will be having a long chat after I pay Hurrem a visit" I growled at her pointing my finger at her as she looked at me confused.

"What did I do sultanim?" She asked with fear in her eyes. I glared at her and walked to Hurrem's room without giving her an answer. I barged into Hurrem's room making her stand up from her throne and glared at me.

"How dare you barge into my room like that?" She yelled angrily glaring at me fiercely. I walked closer to her until we were chest to chest.

"How dare you fake letters between me and my husband?" I asked back. Her eyes widened before she composed herself and tried to act cool about it but that moment of shock and weakness was enough for me to know it was her.

"I did not-" I cut her off by pushing her to sit back down on her thone and bent my back down so we were face to face and so she won't use the couple of inches she had over me.

"Listen to my words Hurrem, you've made my mother sad for years and tormented her, you tried to kill my brother through Nora I may have been young but I haven't forgotten. You tried to turn our father on us and I haven't said anything but enough is enough don't expect me to sit quietly like the obedient young girl I was. I am Nafise Sultan Khan the daughter of Sultan Suleiman Khan and I won't accept a mere Jariye like yourself to come near me or my loved ones. Mark my words Hurrem you started this war and you're going to lose it, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, and the beginner is sinful" I growled pushing her fully back into her throne.

I pulled away and marched out of her room feeling my blood boil. The harem girls stood up and watched me with confused eyes as I marched down the harem with anger evident all over my face, I could see some of them stepping back to not be the center of my anger.

I walked into my room pulling off my shawl and threw it at Esma who stood watching me with confused eyes. My eyes trailed to Nur who was hardly able to hold her tears back.

"Esma takes the kids to my castle and let them spend the night with their father, don't forget the wet nurse for Gevehran" I ordered. She bowed and did as told without questioning why seeing how angry I am.

"How much did they pay to buy you and your loyalty?" I asked stepping closer to Nur who whimpered.

"What are you talking about Sultanim?" She asked. She was shaking from head to toes which just gave away her lies but the way she looked right now almost made me pity herm almost.

"DON'T PLAY GAMES WITH ME NUR" I yelled angrily making her flinch and burst out crying as her body fell down to the floor.

"I swear I didn't give the letters for money," She said as she finally gave up. Nur was a petite girl and she was always naive.

"What did they give you then?" I asked angrily taking her bicep in my grip and pulled her up pushing her on the couch in front of me making her sit looking down at the floor.

"Sunbul Agha found out my secret and he said if I give him your letters he wouldn't tell anyone especially his majesty" She admit wiping her tears but knee ones took their place.

"Secret? What secret? Since when do you have secrets from me?" I hissed looking down at her with frowned eyebrows.

"Ali Agha, his majesty's guard," She said looking up at me with her red innocent eyes. I raised my eyebrow as she stood up still shaking. I looked down as she raised her hand and placed it on her stomach making my eyes widen.

"How?" I asked her looking back up at her. She gulped as she looked anywhere but me thinking her answer through.

"He said he would marry me and save me from being a slave" She answered lowly almost in a whisper. I raised my hand and slapped her straight on the face, how could she be so stupid to believe a man's word, they're all liars.

"HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID" I yelled taking a fist full of her hair and pulled her head up so we were facing each other. She burst out crying and endless tears left her eyes, the sight of her alone made me angry. I raised my hand and slapped her face again making her let out a small yell.

"Go and sleep in the harem tonight, I don't want to see your face. " I ordered pulling her to her feet by her hair as she screamed in pain but shut up the moment out gazes clashed. I opened the door to my chambers and threw her out making her land on the floor with a cry. I closed the doors shut letting myself tear up when I was all alone. How could she betray me for a man, I will make her pay for this I saw her as a friend and she betrayed me like this.

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