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"How are you feeling now Sultanim?" Nur asked. She was wearing a black dress still mourning her husband's death.

"Why what's wrong with you?" My mother asked afraid. I looked at her as she spoke, I almost glared at her too but I know she didn't anything wrong by worrying over me. My father let my mother come visit me from Amasya a week ago. I glared at Nur because I didn't want to worry my mother over nothing.

"Nothing Validam, I just felt a little ill yesterday that's it" I answered smiling at her to reassure her

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"Nothing Validam, I just felt a little ill yesterday that's it" I answered smiling at her to reassure her.

"No, I won't let you sit there not knowing if you're okay or not" my mother stood up and pulled me up from the couch. I glared at Nur who was watching me interact with my mother with a sad look, I'm not sure if she's remembering her own mother or her daughter.

"I am fine mother" I insisted pushing her to sit back down on the couch beside me.

"Don't make me send after your father, he'll have the head healer here before you could blink" my mother threatened. I sighed facepalming as my mother nodded her head at Nur to call the doctor.

"I'm sure it's just the weather mother," I said trying to get her to change her mind but she only glared at me pulling me up from the couch and towards the bed.

"Mother I threw up once and now I'm dying?" I asked my mother.

"If you were sick would you like to get your children and husband sick too?" She asked crossing her arms in front of her. She did have a point but I wasn't going to say that, her ego couldn't handle that.

"I'm sure it was either the weather or something I ate because I feel fine" I rolled my eyes as the doctors walked in. I unwillingly laid down on the bed and let the doctor examine me.

"Can you please tell my mother how healthy I am?" I asked the doctor fixing my clothes as the doctor put away her tools.

"Sultana you are healthy but you need to take care of yourself more from now on," she said closing her bag and locking it. She smiled kindly at me as I looked at her confused.

"You are with child" she explained at the puzzled look my mother wore. I sat there on the bed shellshocked and confused.

"Are you not happy my sweetheart?" Mother asked watching my every move.

"Of course I'm happy, just shocked that's all" I answered not looking up from the floor.

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