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"How are you feeling?" My mother asked. I looked at her through the mirror with red eyes that were also swollen. I raised my hand up to my face and wiped a tear trickling down my face.

"My brother just died, how do you think I'm feeling?" I asked harshly turning to face my mother. She sighed shaking her head and stood up from the couch.

"I'm sorry, I should have snapped at you" I whispered looking down at my hands. My mother walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders. I sighed and turned around to face and she immediately placed her hands on my face and raised my head up so I will look her in the eyes.

"I understand darling, you are hurting because everyone around you is hurting you," she said softly

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"I understand darling, you are hurting because everyone around you is hurting you," she said softly. I pulled away from her and looked behind her as the doors opened and Mustafa walked and his eyes were also red and swollen.

"Brother" I whispered shocked to see him here. My mother stepped to the side as I ran over to Mustafa and jumped into his arms. Mustafa's arms wrapped tightly around my waist and he buried his head in my neck.

"How could this happen?" Mustafa asked softly. I closed my eyes knowing that if anyone found out that this was my doing then my head will be rolling in the marble clearing.

"It was Allah's will, darling," my mother said from behind me. I pulled away from Mustafa and wiped his tears away. He has to be strong now, he has to be strong in front of our father.

"Come on, the funeral is about to start," Mustafa said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and guided me out of my room with our mother trailing behind us.

"Gülnus, do you know why I called you here today?" I asked. The funeral had just ended with Nurbanu fainting in the middle and creating drama as usual. I was back in my room now and Gülnus was called to my chamber.

"No, you can ask anything my sultana" Gülnus said kneeling down in front of me

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"No, you can ask anything my sultana" Gülnus said kneeling down in front of me. I placed my hand under her chin and raised her head up so she would look me in the eyes.

"You failed me, that is why" I answered glaring down at her. Gülnus eyes widened and filled with tears.

"Forgive me, please" she begged kissing my robe and feet. I kicked her away as she sobbed harder. Yusuf walked into the room and locked the door behind him.

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