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"Is that okay sultana?" Nur asked as she helped me put on my clothes. She carefully glided it up over my back scared of hurting me.

"Nur, it's a simple cut not like I was stabbed" she sighed but continued pulling up the clothes softly.

I turned my head to the side as the doors opened to see my husband walk in with Mustafa in his arms.

"Leave us alone" he ordered the maids who bowed to the both of us before leavening us alone. I walked over to the mirror and started putting on my jewelry except for my crown that has already been put on while I was getting my hair done.

"I was thinking that maybe today we should leave for a while" I turned around while placing on my earring.

"Leave? Where?" I asked fixing my dress. I walked over to him and took Mustafa from him and started fixing his slightly messy hair.

"You, me and Mustafa could go somewhere we like and stay there for a couple of days to maybe forget what happened," he said pushing some hair out of my face, the action made me blush but I kissed Mustafa's cheeks to hide it along with my hair, he seemed to already know what I was doing as the smile on his face grew.

"Hmm, where should we go?" I asked walking over to a couch and sat down with Mustafa in my lap.

"How about Alanya?" He asked. I looked up at him surprised, he was suggesting a place that we needed a couple of days to reach.

"Alanya is a beautiful place that I haven't been to in a while and would like to go there again," I said nodding my head with a smile. I turned my head to my son kissing his small head as he flailed his arms around.

"It is a very beautiful place," Malkoçoglu said walking over and sitting down beside me. I handed Mustafa to Nur who left with the other maids leaving us alone in the room.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked edging closer and wrapping his arm around my shoulder comfortingly.

"I'm not really sure, maybe after this trip, I'll feel better" I sighed and turned to look at him. He placed his free hand in mine that was in my lap and I covered it with my other.

"I thought it would be a great idea to leave before the sultan makes his decision" he admitted looking down at our intertwined hands.

"I know, but believe me he won't do anything to her, she's his precious Mihrimah and she will always be more important than beside her mother is Hurrem sultan and she would do anything to protect her," I said bitterly. I hated that my father didn't love me as much as Mihrimah and didn't even object when mother took me with her to Manesa to stay with Mustafa when he was there while he did everything in his power to keep Mihrimah here.

"Your father loves you, maybe not as much but that's what I'm here for, I'm here to love you," he said pulling his hand from between mine to pull my face up so I was looking at him.

"Do you?" I asked quietly. I felt my heart thump widely in my chest and I had no control over it at all.

"I love you" I closed my eyes enjoying the way the words sounded on his lips and in his voice.

"Say it again" I pleaded opening my eyes again and looked at him with a ghost of a smile as he leaned his forehead against mine as he pulled me closer to him.

"I love you" he whispered rubbing his nose with mine.

"I love everything about you," he said pushing me back on the couch so I was laying on my back and climbs on top of me.

"I love your eyes the most" he leaned down and placed a kiss on the side of both of my eyes.

He moved to my cheeks and kissed each one of them a fist amount of times like he didn't want to upset the other. Then he moved to my nose and placed a delicate kiss on it which tickled a little. He moved to my jaw and placed a couple of kisses on it making me sigh in content as he moved to my chin and down to my neck giving the delicate skin just as much attention.

"I love you too" I whispered pushing his hat off and let my hand fingers run through his hair messing it up. He looked up from my neck and leaned down so our lips were close but not quite touching yet.

"Say it again" he begged. His lips touched mine as he spoke which drove me insane and I just wanted his lips on mine as soon as possible.

"I love you," I said again a little louder. He smiled and leaned down claiming my lips with his. I missed him so much and I haven't even realized that until now until he was touching me.

I couldn't help but sigh as his hand wandered up to my shoulder and pulled down the sleeve of my dress. I whined when he pulled away from lips but immediately gasped as his lips met my shoulder and he kissed up until my neck again.

I arched my back to help him pull down my dress. I watched as he sat up on his knees to take off his shirt leaving him in only his trousers. I felt bad for the people who dressed us and now we were ruining their work but we couldn't help it.

He pulled me up making me wrap my legs around his waist as he walked over to the bed and sat me down on the edge. He kneeled in front of me and pulled the dress completely off and threw it to the side.

He placed both of his hand on my knees and pulled them apart, I couldn't help but gasp as the cold air hit my private parts. He started kissing my right thing which made me moan unconsciously and I ran my fingers through his hair again trying to push him where I needed him most but he didn't seem in any rush at all.

I couldn't help the whine that left my lips when he moved to my other thigh and gave it the same attention as the other one instead of tending to my needs.

"Patience" he growled looking up at me with hooded eyes which made me squirm even more but I didn't dare make any more noises other than moaning his name.

I almost cried out when he finally kissed me where I wanted him, no needed him most. He intertwined our hand on the bed as a way to comfort me as I withered under his touch while his other one was busy helping him bring me over the edge or sometimes stopping me from moving to much so he could finish the job.

I pulled him up and made him sit in my place before joining him on his lap. He growled as he sank inside of me which almost made me unravel myself right there and then.

"Move" he tightened his grip on my hips which will probably bruise later on not as I cared or if anyone else would see.

"Patience" I whispered his words in his ear. He glared at me but kept quiet as I kissed up his neck only letting a couple of moans slip through his lips when I would suck on his sensitive spot making sure to not make any marks for his reputation like he did mine.

He sighed in pleasure as I finally moved slowly before sinking back low. He gripped my hips and helped me up and down.

"I love you" he whispered against my neck where he would occasionally bite softly, to not hurt me, or kiss to hide his moans of pleasure.

"I love you too" I moaned arching my back giving him full access to my front. The only thing keeping me from falling back was his strong arms that wrapped around my back pulling me up and down more roughly as he snapped his hip up to meet my own. He leaned down and started kissing my neck and down my chest making me cry out as he thrusted even more harshly which caused me to snap and break in front of him. He held me close as I came down from my high still thrusting into me riding out his own.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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