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"The girls have been sent except Gülnus who is staying in the castle until Shehzade Beyazid leaves the capital" Esma informed me. I nodded and turned to Gevherhan swaying her side to side to get her to sleep. I looked up when the doors opened and a harem agha walked in.

"Sultanim, Mihrimah Sultan wishes to invite you for dinner along with your husband tonight," He said after bowing to me. I raised my eyebrow and looked at Esma who seemed just as shocked.

"Well, it would rude to refuse my dear sister's wishes," I said standing up and handing Esma, Gevherhan.

"Go tell Bali Bey to prepare himself, we will meet in the garden and leave together" I ordered the harem agha who bowed and left the room to do as told

"Sultana, I've had a question running through my head for a while and I hope you don't mind me asking" Nur started hesitantly as I walked over to the door and ordered the girls that stood there to bring me my most beautiful dresses.

"Go on," I said walking over to my closet and opened to show many small boxes. I opened one at a time looking over the jewelry I owned.

"Why are you sending Saliha hatun with Shehzade Mustafa? Aren't you going with him?" She asked taking a dress from one of the maids as I sat on my bed and looked over the dresses in front of me.

"First of all, I want to wear the blue dress" I started pointing at the dress. The maid holding it placed it in Esma's hands before she walked out with the other maids.

"Second of all, never and I mean never talk about things like that in front of anyone even the maids at the door" I warned standing up and walking behind a folding screen and took off my dress before putting on the new one.

"Third and last, it's time I return home, Nur, I want to stay in the capital and nothing and no one will change my mind this time" I finished stepping out from behind the fold-up screen and walked over to the vanity table. Esma walked over and started doing my hair as Nur put on my jewelry.

"Nafise, tell me truthfully, why did you agree to this?" Bali Bey asked from beside me in the carriage.

"I wanted to rekindle with my sister, is that wrong?" I asked raising my eyebrow and turned to look at him.

"Of course not, that is if you actually liked your sister and I know you and Mihrimah hate each other," He said taking my hand into his.

"Hate is a strong word Bali, and we're here" I pointed out as the carriage stopped. The doors opened and a harem agha stuck his hand in to help me step down the carriage ending our conversation as I stepped down.

"Keep a smile on" I warned softly. He turned to me as we started walking towards the castle.

"How can I not when you're here by my side" He flirted making me blush and nudge him to stop as a giggle left my lips.

"You know" He stopped me just before we walked in and held my arm to stop me from walking. I turned to face him noticing how close we were in front of so many people.

"You get more and more beautiful with each child," He said making me gasp and slap his arm before walking into the castle with a blood-red face as he laughed behind me.

"Mihrimah," I said smiling softly as I walked into her main room. She surprised me when she walked over to me and pulled me in for a hug being mindful of my shawl to keep my hair covered in front of her husband.

"Bali Bey"

"Rustum pasha"

I rolled my eyes at the awkward interaction between the men. We pulled away from each other and smiled at each other.

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