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I sighed feeling finally calm in this castle as I sewed some table cloth to keep my mind off things that I can't bother to think of right now.

I looked up as the doors opened and Mihrimah walked in. I put the table cloth to the side and stood up to welcome her.

"What's wrong?" I asked when I saw her frown. She looked at me with her eyes filled with tears and at the brink of crying.

"I don't want to marry Rustom, I accepted in a moment of anger," she said flopping down on the couch. I sat down beside her and took her hands in between mine.

"Look Mihrimah it's already been announced and the sultan won't back down from his decision even if we both told him and you know he always does what we want yet this is something too big and he won't listen to us for the announcement has already been made. Now we both have to live with theses men besides try to actually love Rustom maybe you actually will be able to" she looked at me her expression changing.

"Try to love him like you're trying to love Bali Bay" she pulled her hands away from mine and glared at me.

"He's about to become my husband in a couple of months' time, of course, I'm gonna try and love him because I know there's no running away from this marriage" I shrugged as she stood up.

"You've always been jealous of me and now you're trying to steal the man I love from me," she said angrily. I took a deep breath and stood up too glaring at her.

"The man you love never loved you back and he's gonna become my husband so watch the way you speak of him. Wake up Mihrimah you threw yourself in a pile of mud and you're sinking very low in it so I advise you to look up and try to save yourself instead of bringing people down with you" I said raising my voice at her. This was the first time I raised my voice at her which broke my heart. Mihrimah was older than me in a couple of months but I seemed to be the one with an actual brain.

"I can't. I love him" she said looking down as tears left her eyes. I hated that she was saying that she loved the man I was about to marry, it hurts my pride but she was my sister and she comes before everything.

"You think I haven't asked father to switch the grooms? Believe me, I have but it was no use" I said sitting down looking down at my hands. I despite starting to feel something for the brown-eyed loyal servant of my father, I went and asked him to change the grooms but he refused.

"He said that he won't back down from his words and you know when he says that we can't change his mind no matter what" she sat down beside me wiping her tears away.

"Why would you do that?" She asked turning my face to look at her.

"Because you're my sister and you come before anything else," I said trying hard not to cry. She pulled me in for a hug before leaving me alone to fix myself.

I walked to my father's room and by coincidence, Bali Bay was leaving his room. He stopped and bowed to me.

"Sultana, I will inform his majesty that you have arrived," he said walking back in. He seemed off today but I waved it off knowing it probably had to do with Mihrimah.

"Come in sultana," he said moving to the side to let me in.

"What's wrong Bali Bay?" I asked turning to face him before I walk in.

"Nothing sultana," he said. He looked at me to see me raising my eyebrow at him made him sigh.

"Sultana Mihrimah" was all he had to say. I nodded my head before patting his arm and walked. I knew that me touching him shocked him and he stood by the door frozen for a second before leaving for his room.

I walked in and bowed to my father who smiled when he saw me. He stood up from his desk and walked over to where I stood.

"My beautiful Nafize," he said placing his hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead before pulling me to the couch in his room.

"Is there something I can help you with?" He asked pushing my hair back. I smile feeling my father's soft touch again.

"I missed you and thought maybe if you don't mind I can spend the day with you" I answered. He grinned and pulled me with him to his desk.

"I don't mind," he said sitting down on his chair.

"Guards bring a chair for the sultana " they bought a similar one to his and placed it beside his. I listened carefully as he explained what the papers in his desk were and why he signed some and why he disapproved of the other.

"So they tried to rebel against our dynasty?" I asked. My father nodded his head as his answer. There was a knock on the door which bought us back to reality from our time together.

"Come in," my father said sitting back in his chair as a guard walked in.

"Your majesty, his highness prince Mustafa is asking for an audience with you," the guard said.

"Let him in," my father said. He turned to look at me with a smile on his face, he touched my cheek before getting up and walking over to Mustafa who just walked in.

"Father, I hope I'm not disturbing you, I went to visit my sister and they said that she was here" Mustafa explained.

"No problem Mustafa, you can speak with her on the teras because I won't let you steal her from me today" our father joked making me giggle as I got up and walked with my brother to the teras.

"What's wrong Mustafa?" I asked leaning against the railing.

"I wanted to check up on you," he said simply shrugging.

"You wanted to make sure I wasn't miserable about the marriage" I pointed out. He was my full brother and I knew the way he thinks.

"Are you?" He asked. I smiled and shook my head as my answer. I looked at the balcony just beside ours to see Bali Bat standing there watching the stars before his eyes met mine, we stood there looking at each other.

"No" I answered not breaking eye contact with the man I'm supposed to marry in a couple of months.

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