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"Do you think Gguk said something that made Tae really sad?" Hoseok asked, watching the two males silently part ways with them in the hallways.

"Who knows?" Yoongi sighed. "These dumbasses haven't said a word to each other all day."

"They'll talk it out eventually." Seokjin shrugged. "At least I hope so."

"Let's just head to bed, guys. They're old enough to solve their own problems." Namjoon smiled and the group walked to their separate rooms.

Bidding each other goodnight, first Yoongi and Hoseok and then Seokjin and Namjoon went in their shared rooms, leaving Jimin all alone in the hallway. Sighing, a pout made its way to his lips. Why was he the only one who had to sleep alone whilst everyone else had a roommate? Just as he was about to open the door to his own room, someone tapped his shoulder. The pure blood turned around to see a nervous witcher.

"What is it, Hobi?" he asked, tilting his head slightly.

"I-I was wondering if you wanted to come over later?" Hoseok stammered quickly, his cheeks red. "I mean y-you totally don't have t-to if—"

"Thanks, Hobi." Jimin interrupted him softly, pulling the startled red-head into a hug.

"N-no problem." the witcher let out, hands carefully circling around the pure blood's waist, both unaware of the piercing stare that watched them through the slightly opened door of Yoongi's and Hoseok's room.

"I'll take a shower first, alright?" he said, a dazzling smile gracing his face, his hands still wrapped around Hoseok's neck.

"Y-yeah, u-uh, sure! T-take your time." the witcher stuttered, face beet red.

Blinking cutely, Jimin continued to stare into his friend's eyes, wondering why he was avoiding his eyes and his cheeks were red. The longer he looked at him, the pure blood noticed something. Had the witcher always been so handsome? Hoseok knew the vampire was still staring at him and he gulped down the lump in his throat, the grip on the other's waist tightening a little.


"Y-yeah?" the witcher snapped out of his trance.

"Can you let go of me?" Jimin chuckled and Hoseok immediately pulled his hands back, increasing the distance between them.

"I-I'm sorry." he mumbled but the other simply waved it off with a smile.


"Later." the witcher stared at the closed door infront of him before letting out a huff and walking back into his own room, where he was instantly pressed against the door.

"When will you realise that crushing on Jimin is hopeless?" Yoongi asked, voice calm but his eyes sharp.

"I... I know." Hoseok mumbled, averting his gaze.

"Then why don't you just get over him?" the ravenette questioned, his stare softer this time.

"I've known Jimin ever since I came to this school and I've been crushing on him since I've seen him the first time." Hoseok sighed, lips tugging into a small, sad smile. "And trust me, I know it's hopeless. I know Jimin doesn't feel the same and believe me, I tried to move on for years. However, I simply couldn't and still can't ignore how my heart almost jumps out of my chest everytime I get close to him, how I blush like a teenage girl when he smiles, how I freeze and stare at him with heart eyes when he laughs."

Yoongi's breath hitched, watching how the other's eyes got teary.

"I know I should've confessed my feelings long ago so I can finally move on but no matter how often I tried, I'm still too scared of him rejecting me. I know it's ridiculous, there's no way Jimin won't reject me but I'm just too afraid of actually hearing those words." Hoseok whispered, letting out a shaky breath.

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