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  Taehyung was genuinely surprised when he entered the classroom the next day. His desk was surrounded by their classmates and even other students who he'd never seen before. Everyone was talking so loudly, the omega couldn't even make out what they were saying. Taehyung walked closer, trying to reach his desk but his path was blocked.

"E-excuse me? Can you let me through?" he asked shyly but no one paid attention to him.

Sighing, Taehyung stayed where he was and waited until the teacher came inside, telling the other students to go back into their classrooms. Once he was able to look at his desk again, the omega gasped as he saw Jeongguk. His grandfather was really able to heal him! Sort of relieved, Taehyung walked over to their desk and sat down.

"W-welcome b-back, Jeongguk." he mumbled, glancing over at the royal blood.

"Shut it, weakling." Jeongguk scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Y-yes, I'm sorry." Taehyung hastily apologised, jaw clenching slightly.

That remark was a reminder of how mean and cold-hearted Jeon Jeongguk really was, Taehyung knew. And he couldn't help but curse himself for worrying about the stupid vampire and for feeling a light tug at his heart after the royal blood's rude comment.

Soon after, the lesson began and none of them has spoken a single word so far. Well, just like it's always been. Taehyung's gaze fell down to his bag and all of a sudden, he remembered something. Should he take the risk and give it to Jeongguk? Or would that attempt result in him getting beaten up again? Whatever, it'll work out somehow, Taehyung told himself and took something out from his bag before nervously poking Jeongguk's shoulder. Immediately, the royal blood's angry stare pierced through him and the omega gulped, shakily holding up a few papers.

"I-I copied the notes for you d-during the days y-you were absent," Taehyung whispered, eyes glued to his lap, "b-but you don't have to take them, I-I just thought it'd save you some time..."

Jeongguk blinked in confusion, his eyes wandering from the papers to the nervous blonde and he was about to decline rudely when a flashback hit him.

  "Hello, Jeongguk, slept well?"

"Grandfather?" the royal blood asked groggily, squinting his eyes.

"Yes, it's me." Athan sighed, arms crossed while he watched his grandson sit up, looking around in confusion.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

"I... fainted..." Jeongguk replied slowly and suddenly he remembered again why he fell unconscious, making him grit his teeth and tighten his grip on the sheets.

"And judging by your facial expression, I assume you also know why you fainted." his grandfather noted, causing Jeongguk to scowl.

"You know you'll die if you continue to reject him, grandson."

"Don't tell me what to do, grandfather." Jeongguk scoffed, making Athan sigh.

"If he hadn't visited you today, you might've not woken up for a long time, Jeongguk."

"That bastard was here?"

"Yes, he was. We talked for a while and he's a really sweet and polite boy, Jeongguk, you can count yourself lucky for the universe to provide you such an extraordinarily beautiful and nice mate."

"Yeah, a boy who doesn't know anything about us and has no fucking respect for royal bloods." Jeongguk hissed and gasped as the headache returned.

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