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Four fractional ribs, multiple concussions, a broken leg and other severe injuries.

That's what happened to Taehyung after Jeongguk's wonderful decision to let him deal with two manticores on his own. The unconscious omega was immediately brought to the infirmary but as his condition worsened, the medical team knew they couldn't help Taehyung anymore and he was quickly brought into the next hospital, Mrs. Kang accompanying him so no one would find out about his secret.

It turned out that the omega had not only external but internal bleedings aswell and because his healing powers weren't strong enough, Taehyung even had to undergo surgery which resulted in him missing school for four weeks. Those days were spent in the hospital and the omega slowly began to recover from the injuries.

Then finally, the omega was allowed to go back to the dorms but he was forbidden to attend school for another week. The first thing Taehyung heard when he came back was that his beloved friend Jeon Jeongguk was temporarily suspended because of his stupid actions and wasn't allowed to set a foot into the school building until Taehyung was able to return to the lessons.

The royal blood currently sat at his desk in his dorm room, bored to death because there was nothing he could do. Jimin, Hoseok and Seokjin were at school and they wouldn't return in the next two hours. Sighing loudly, Jeongguk got up and changed into boxers and a plain black t-shirt, it's not like anyone except Jimin would see he anyways.

He was just about to get into his coffin when the school tower's clock rang, making the vampire glance at the window and suddenly, an idea crossed his mind. What if he went for a little flight through the night? The principal said he wasn't allowed to attend school but technically, this wasn't school, right? Lips curling up into a smirk, Jeongguk threw the window open and jumped outside.

He turned into a bat and began to fly around a little, not searching for anyting specific until a certain scent filled his nostrils which caused his eyes to glow red, his whole body screaming 'mate'. Without thinking, the vampire flew into the direction where the alluring scent came from and soon he found himself in the last section of the boys' dormitory.

Looking around, every room was dark except one at the very back and surprisingly, the scent led him over there. Just like every dorm room, a balcony was attached to the room and the door was wide opened, a person's shadow telling Jeongguk that his mate was inside. He flew closer and settled down on the tree right next to the balcony, about to turn back into his human form when the boy stepped outside and the royal blood's eyes widened drastically at the sight.

Taehyung looked horrible, his hair was disheveled and dark eye rings adorned his usually so sparkly eyes. But that wasn't the real reason why Jeongguk was so incredibly shocked. The omega's arms and legs were covered in multiple bandages and band-aids and Taehyung was using crutches. The royal blood even noticed him limping a little although the blonde was clutching onto the crutches.

And suddenly, Jeongguk felt something he thought he would never ever be capable of feeling. Guilt and worry. It was eating him up from the inside and the royal blood internally clenched his fists as he watched Taehyung stare up at the starry nightsky.

Just how stupid was he? He almost killed his mate... If his parents or his grandfather found out, they would undoubtedly disown him. Scrunching his bat nose, Jeongguk almost overheard how the blonde's phone rang because of his thoughts. Blinking curiously, the royal blood watched Taehyung hastily pull his smartphone out and quickly answer the call.

"Hey mom, hey dad!"

Oh, it was just his parents, Jeongguk thought.

"Yeah, I missed you guys, too."

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