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"Did you pack in everything we told you to? You didn't forget your school uniform or anything else?"

"No, mom, I didn't. Don't worry, I triple checked everything before you called me downstairs." Taehyung giggled, watching his mother sigh in relief.

"I'm going to miss you so much, my sweet baby." she smiled, eyes teary as she pulled him into a warm embrace.

"Me too." he whispered and hugged her tighter before letting go a few seconds later.

"Would you look at that, my son is finally ready to leave us and attend school." his dad, who just joined them, said proudly and also pulled his son into a bonecrushing hug.

"D-dad— can't breathe—" Taehyung wheezed and his father laughed softly, backing away.

"The car is ready, please hurry or you'll miss your train, Taehyungie!" a woman, another werewolf who also lived in their castle, reminded the blonde.

"Yes, thank you. I'll be out in a minute." he replied and turned around, glancing at his parents with teary eyes.

Simultaneously, the family moved fowards and embraced each other tightly, knowing this was their last hug until next year when Taehyung would come back. Basking in each other's warmth for a few seconds, the blonde was showered with kisses and he began to miss his mom and dad already. Pulling back, all three of them had teary eyes but a smile adorned their faces.

"Guess I'll get going now." Taehyung mumbled, grabbing his suitcase.

"Have fun, baby, I know you will." his mother smiled while wiping away her tears.

"Good luck, son, find yourself a hot guy." his father winked and Taehyung giggled as his mom scoffed, plucking her husband's forehead.

"Thanks mom, thanks dad, I'll take my leave then." he spoke thickly, kissing his parents' cheeks before turning to walk outside.

"Goodbye, baby! Make sure to call us lots!!" his mother called after him.

"See you in a year, son! Be careful that no one finds out you're a werewolf!"

"I will! Bye, love you!" Taehyung waved at them before putting his suitcase in the trunk and got into the car.

The ride to the train station was a long one and Taehyung fell asleep at some point, his favourite song 'I'm Gonna Be' by Post Malone blaring through his earphones. Arriving at the station, he quickly bowed to the woman who drove him and hopped onto the train.

Taehyung sat down at the window and as soon as the train left the station, he couldn't stop staring outside with big eyes, completely in awe from the world passing by and he wondered why he had been so stupid to fall sleep during the car ride. People gave him weird stares as he commented almost everything he saw and for once, the blonde didn't care at all.

About an hour later, the train finally arrived at the station where he had to get off. Grabbing his suitcase, Taehyung quickly scurried outside which wasn't as easy as expected with people pushing and shoving him around. Once he successfully left the train, the blonde dropped his suitcase on the ground and let out a relieved sigh.

"Hi! Oh my gosh, it's been so long!"

"How've you been doing during summer break?"

"It was great! Yours?"

"Same, my family and I even flew to Transilvania to visit my greatgreatgrandparents!"

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