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  The next evening was pure chaos. Students were running around everywhere, trying to get good seats or checking if they left something behind. Teachers were yelling to get their attention but no one listened anyways. After fifteen exhausting minutes, everyone was finally seated. Taehyung, not tired at all, was bouncing back and forth in his seat. He was genuinely happy to go back and even though the trip was cool, the omega was overly relieved to return to boarding school. Jeongguk, too tired for his life, was looking at his mate as if he was crazy.

"How can you still be so energetic?" the vampire chuckled.

"I'm just happy to go back." the omega smiled, not noticing Jeongguk leaning down next to his ear.

"You sure you're not tired after yesterday's events?" he whispered huskily.

Taehyung stiffened and his entire face turned beet red, quickly hiding it behind his hands as an embarrassed whimper escaped his throat. The royal blood laughed, watching how the omega practically died from shame.

"S-shut up, idiot!!" he cried, hitting his shoulder.

"Why? What happened yesterday?" Namjoon smirked, leaning against their seat and Jimin also seemed to be interested now.

"Oh? Do tell us." the pure blood grinned, making Taehyung want to throw himself infront of the departing train.

"Noooo!" he whined loudly, gaining Seokjin's, Yoongi's and Hoseok's attention aswell.

"What 'no'? What's going on?" the witcher asked curiously.

"They have a secret and won't tell us what happened yesterday." Jimin smirked and Taehyung gulped once everyone was staring awaitingly at him again.

"I-I can't t-tell you—"

"Oh, he's stuttering, they probably did some dirty stuff!" Seokjin interjected and wiggled his eyebrows, causing everyone to look at him weirded out while the blonde blushed harder, if that was even possible.

"What the fuck, Jin. There's no way they'd—" Yoongi deadpanned but as his gaze fell upon Taehyung, he stilled.

"You two didn't, right?"

Suddenly, everyone's expression turned either shocked or aghast and Taehyung panicked like never before. He hated lying to his friends but he also didn't want to tell them the truth at all costs. It didn't take long for tears to well up in the blonde's eyes as he was too overwhelmed with the situation. His shoulders twitched and that's when the others noticed, too, their eyes growing big with worry. Suddenly, Taehyung was pulled onto a lap.

"We didn't do anything for fucks sake! Now shut your annoying asses up and stop putting pressure on him like that!" Jeongguk spat, eyes a bloody red.

Taehyung buried his face in the royal blood's neck and sniffled, hands coming up to grip onto his shirt. The others flinched and nodded quickly, realising quite fast that the vampire was furious. As they scurried off to their seats, the vampire wrapped his arms around the sniffling omega, looking around before kissing his forehead.

"Shh, don't cry. They're gone now, it's fine." he whispered soothingly and Taehyung nodded, wiping his teary eyes.

"Petal, you seriously need to stop crying so often." Jeongguk mumbled between placing soft kisses to his neck.

"I-I know, c-couldn't help it... S-sorry." the omega stuttered, feeling arousal stir up inside him as the vampire continued his actions.

"Hey, it's fine," the royal blood murmured, resting his hands on Taehyung's thighs. "But you know that I wouldn't have told them, right?"

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