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  For the next three days, the royal blood didn't show up at school. No one knew what reason was behind Jeongguk's behavior and why it happened. The unconscious vampire was brought to the school's infirmary and stayed there for three more days. Rumors said that his healing powers weren't working which was very strange because something like that had never occured before, especially not to a royal blood since their healing powers are considered to be one of the strongest ones out there.

The school's whole medical team used various methods for three long days but not a single attempt worked and Jeongguk remained in a coma-like state during his stay in the infirmary. When the nurses ran out of ideas, they contacted Jeongguk's family and asked the elders for advice but not even they knew what to do.

Taehyung didn't know how to feel about the situation. On the one hand the omega was thankful that he was able to get up and go to school without having to be afraid of getting beaten up and even his injuries were completely gone by now, but on the other hand the blonde found himself worrying about the vampire, especially after he heard students say that his condition was very unnatural for a royal blood.

So, on Jeongguk's third day of absence, Taehyung found himself walking into the direction of the infirmary. Ever since the vampire was gone, a bad feeling had been eating him up from the inside and the omega felt like all of this was partially his fault. If he hadn't saved Jeongguk, the royal blood wouldn't have beaten him up and maybe would've gone to his dorm to take a bath instead.

Soon, Taehyung stood infront of the infirmary, too hesitant to enter. What if Jeongguk woke up and confirmed that everything was his fault? No, it was his fault for beating him up in the first place, Taehyung thought and shook his head, reaching for the doorknob.

He slowly opened the door and peeked his head inside. There was no one except an old man sitting on a chair next to a bed. Taehyung's eyes widened when he realised the boy in the bed was Jeongguk. The old man noticed him immediately and the omega flinched when he looked at him.

"I-I'm sorry, sir, I-I'll take my leave."

"Oh, don't be, come in."

"A-are you sure?" Taehyung asked in surprise.

"Of course, please enter." the old man smiled and the blonde complied, gently closing the door behind him.

The closer Taehyung came to the bed, the more he noticed how much more pale the vampire looked. His breath was shallow and eyes were closed, his lashes kissing the soft skin of his cheeks. The vampire's mouth was closed and his cherry lips formed a contrast to his pale skin but Taehyung found him ethereal nontheless.

"What's your name?"

The old man's question startled Taehyung a little, making him tear his gaze away hastily.

"T-Taehyung, Kim Taehyung, sir." he stuttered.

"Drop the sir," the old man smiled, "and you can call me Athan."

"Okay." Taehyung agreed shyly and soon, silence entered the room again.

Both males were staring at the royal blood, no one saying anything until Athan spoke up again.

"Are you a friend of Jeongguk?"

"M-me? A friend?" Taehyung was taken aback but he figured he shouldn't make the vampire look like a bad person.

"Y-yeah, I am a friend of his." the omega responded hesitantly and gulped.

The old man only sighed and Taehyung anxiously glanced over at him.

"He hasn't been treating you well, am I right?"

The omega's gaze fell to his shoes, not really knowing what to answer since it was right what Athan had said and he fiddled with his fingers, indirectly confirming the other's assumption.

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