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  Throughout the next three weeks, Jeongguk continued to surprise Taehyung over and over again. It really was as if someone knocked some sense into the royal blood, like he was brainwashed and forced to forget his old personality.

And those actions had severe consequences as the omega would call it, but... they really weren't. Taehyung just didn't know how else to feel about the jitters in his tummy each time the vampire was nice towards him, recently the blonde noticed Jeongguk smile from time to time and Taehyung would've lied if he said he didn't find it cute as hell.

The way the royal blood's eyes crinkled when he smiled or how his adorable bunny teeth showed whenever he parted his lips had had the omega blushing countless times already but he refused to believe the butterflies in his stomach, after all there was no way he'd forgive Jeongguk that easily after everything he'd done to him.

Currently it was lunch break and the students rushed into the school's huge cafeteria to get a good seat. Taehyung was amidst the pushy crowd of students, occasionally getting shoved a little but the omega could only sigh and endure it further until he grabbed a tray with food, squeezing his way out of the mass.

Letting out a relieved breath, the blonde readjusted his hold on the tray before looking around for an empty table. A minute later he concluded that all tables were taken and the realization made him sigh, not wanting to sit next to someone he didn't know again.

The last time Taehyung did so, he was constantly touched inappropriately and had to endure flirty comments. The omega was about to leave the cafeteria to eat somewhere quiet when a certain someone called out to him.


The blonde bristled slightly at the mention of his name, turning aroung to shyly peek who the voice belonged to and a mild blush covered his cheeks when his assumption turned out to be right.

"Taehyung, come sit with us!" Jeongguk said again, a lady-killer smile adorning his lips.

Gulping thickly, Taehyung tried to calm his fast beating heart before slowly approaching the table where Jimin, Hoseok and Seokjin were seated aswell, their expressions showing that they were just as surprised and confused as Taehyung.

"A-are you sure?" the omega asked, voice barely audible.

"Absolutely. C'mon, sit down."

Something about the determination in Jeongguk's voice made Taehyung feel warm inside and he slowly put his tray down, settling into the free space next to the royal blood. His eyes were directed into his lap and at first it was silent but Taehyung still felt their gazes pierce through them.

"Back to the topic, Gguk no, we had that discussion already!" Jimin abruptly broke the silence.

"But Jiminie—"

"Don't 'Jiminie' me, I won't risk my fucking life just for you to improve your powers." the pure blood snapped and Taehyung's ears perked up as he shoved another spoonful of food into his mouth.

What were they talking about?

"He's right," Seokjin sighed. "You can't force Jiminie to get near holy water. What would happen if it accidentally touches his skin? He'd die instantly!"

"I know.." Jeongguk sighed, a pout displayed on his face.

"Ugh, why do you have to go home during the holidays, Hobi? You are the only one who could help me." the royal blood whined.

"Well, sorry for wanting to see my family again?" Hoseok chuckled and Seokjin snorted at Jeongguk's eyeroll.

"Sorry Gguk, looks like you either have to find someone else or you wait until I'm back."

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