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Jeongguk's eyes slowly fluttered open as the sounds from outside began to get louder. As a vampire he actually didn't need any sleep, especially not since he was a royal blood but he was able to fall asleep nontheless but if no one woke him up, he'd probably sleep forever. And from time to time when Jeongguk needs a little time for himself and his thoughts, he likes to lay down into his coffin and close his eyes, just letting his thoughts wander freely.

Today was one of these days, if it weren't for his annoyingly loud cousin. Another thud filled his ears and the royal blood clenched his jaw as anger bubbled up inside him. His hands balled into fists and he tolerated four more thumps until Jeongguk has had enough and he furiously pushed his coffin open.


"YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP YOURSELF!" came the answer from the other room and the royal blood pushed his tongue into the inside of his cheek, using his vampire speed to get into Jimin's room.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he hissed.

"Nothing!" Jimin huffed, getting up from his coffin.

"I don't know what this bastard of neighbour is doing at 1pm! I was fucking tryna sleep properly for once in 74 weeks!"

"I'll make them shut up, hold on." Jeongguk sighed and walked back into his room, only pulling on a pair of sweats before opening his window and jumping outside.

With a content smile, Jimin laid back down in his coffin again and listened to Jeongguk's screams in the other room. The royal blood stayed there for approximately 30 seconds shouting at the top of his lungs before returning, flying into Jimin's room and turning back into his human form.

"Remind me to never choose a room next to a wizard again. This guy was searching for his pet rat and threw his books from under his bed throughout the whole room in hope to find his fucking rat down there." Jeongguk sighed and Jimin chuckled.

Welcome to Jeon Jeongguk's exciting world.

"Alright, I'm going back. Night, Chim."

"Night, Gguk."

The royal blood disappeared into his room, immediately prying his sweatpants off again. Jeongguk huffed in annoyance and let himself fall back facefirst into his coffin. What had been his last thought again before he got up? The royal blood couldn't remember. Sighing, he turned around and just stared at the ceiling, the faint moonlight entering his room through the window, making his pale skin glow.

Jeongguk's eyes roamed his toned body, inspecting the abs he didn't really need to work for down to his thick thighs which were just the icing of the cake. His gaze wandered back up and halted at his boxers. He really wasn't a horny person, as a royal blood maintaining his composure truly was important but lately his body had been feeling sort of hot, electrified and oddly lively.

Tempted, Jeongguk glided a hand down his body until he reached his boxers and began to slowly palm himself, sparking a sudden wave of pleasure. Surprised, the royal blood let out a quiet grunt, knowing that his body usually wasn't that reactive. His thoughts got pushed aside when another surge of pleasure rushed through his body and Jeongguk unconsciously bucked into his hand.

The vampire's breaths became unsteady and soon turned into small pants as he slipped his hand inside the garment, moaning in surprise at how slick his cock already was. Jeongguk fastened his movements and threw his head back, letting the quiet groans tumble from his lips without holding back. Reaching for his nipple with the unoccupied hand, the royal blood twisted and pinched the hardened bud, his hard dick leaking pre-cum as a result.

Grunting in pleasure, Jeongguk hastily pulled his underwear down a little and began to fuck his in pre-cum covered hand as he felt his orgasm approach faster than usual. His pale skin was now glistening with sweat under the moonlight and tiny droplets ran down his damp forehead, bitten lips hanging open, revealing his majestic fangs while the only sound that filled the room were squelching noises coming from his member and his small groans, pants and gasps. Soon, the vampire's eyebrows furrowed, back arching while his fist worked in frenzied upward strokes as his release was just around the corner.

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