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Once upon a time, there had been a peaceful and quiet world. A world where humans and monsters lived together without the humans knowing they existed.

There was no hate that led to war, no suppression that led to enmity between nations and its species like vampires, werewolves, witches or demons, no crimes that led to fear and uncertainty, no deceit that led to people losing their trust in each other.

Yes, once upon a time, the world held peace, justice and kindness.

Until, hundred thousands of years ago, a brutal war broke out amongst the two most populous species, the clever vampires and the mighty werewolves. The legends say their rulers had been close friends until the day the king of the vampires found out that the head alpha had deceived him by taking innocent vampires hostage and torturing them to find out the secret behind their healing powers.

Fury, bloodlust and sadness got the best of the king and only a few days later, he sent thousands of soldiers into the werewolves' territory and a brutal battle began. The vampires systematically killed all the werewolves, not even sparing the weak omegas and pups until the head alpha fought back, calling for his strongest soldiers. The war continued and even the leaders themselves participated in the brutal battle.

But no matter how strong the werewolves or how fast their healing powers were, the vampires were too clever and strategic. In no time, they almost exterminated the werewolves including their head alpha, the species which once was just as proud and powerful as themselves. Only a few managed to escape the eyes of the vampires and continued to hide among the humans for centuries.

With time going by, the monsters forgot about werewolves, thinking that they'd completely vanished from the earth and the vampires took over the lead, ruling over the monsters in peace. As the time passed by, single werewolves have been spotted which surprised the nations over and over again.

In the present time, monsters were aware of the fact that werewolves were still alive although not everyone believed it. It has become quite a phenomenon if one of them was 'spotted' and some even paid large sums for werewolf photos even though no one actually knew where they were hiding.

But who knows? Maybe they're closer than you think.

  "Sweetie, come out, please!"


"Don't be so stubborn, let's talk about it!"


"Come on!"

"No!" the boy cried out again, pulling the blanket further over his head.

This cutie's name is Kim Taehyung, a male omega werewolf. He's seventeen years old, a hundred percent gay and has fluffy blonde hair, slightly chubby cheeks combined with a sharp jaw and topped a by cute nose. And he's currently hiding from his parents who were close to destroying his door.


"No, I don't wanna go!" Taehyung whined, hearing his mother sigh.

"Please, just unlock the door, Tae. You know we need to talk about this." she begged but Taehyung only made a disapproving noise.

"You also know that we have a second key, right son?" his father added and Taehyung glanced up to see his parents enter his room before hiding again.

"Sweetie..." his mom sat down next to the boy who'd wrapped in his sheets, looking like a giant springroll, a super cute one though.

"Tae, I know you don't want to leave but you have to. The school provides a big range of knowledge which is very important for you to obtain. Also, your dad and I unfortunately can't teach you anything about stuff like that, so you need to go." she smiled sadly, stroking Taehyung's head.

You see, Taehyung had never been outside his home in his whole life. The past seventeen years he grew up in a hidden castle which was protected by a magic barrier to save its inhabitants. He spent his whole childhood there without having friends or relatives, it was just him, his parents and other small werewolf groups who didn't have any other place to stay.

He had always been the only child in the whole castle and it was just his parents or some elders who had played with him which is basically why Taehyung had no idea how to act around people his age. In general, he had always been a very anxious and shy person and once Taehyung found out he was a male omega, probably the only one on the whole planet at the moment, it only made the situation worse.

But after Taehyung's sixteenth birthday, his parents had the glorious idea to send him to school after ten years of being homeschooled. At first, Taehyung didn't think of it as that stupid but when he overheard a conversation of his parents approximately eight minutes ago that the school they wanted him to attend was a fucking boarding school, Taehyung immediately declined.

He didn't want to leave his parents for some scary place with lots of scary monsters that could probably kill him just by only plucking his forehead. Everyone he loved was here in this castle, so why should he leave? Just to obtain some random knowledge that Taehyung needed when he'd start working later on? That would be the dumbest decision he'd ever make.

"Tae... please. Do it for us." his mother smiled after his dad successfully unwrapped the blonde from his blanket.

"But I'm scared of the people there... W-what if they try to hurt me? And I don't wanna leave you guys..." he mumbled, eyes flashing a beautiful blue as tears welled up in them.

His mom's eyes widened at his words, her hazelnut brown eyes also turning a mesmerizing blue and it didn't take her long to start sobbing, pulling her only child into her arms.

"Us neither... b-but you need to, baby. No matter h-how much I'm crying right n-now, you need to."

Taehyung snuggled closer to his mom, silently crying into her chest while his dad watched them, shaking his head with a smile. Gently grabbing their arms, he pulled his weeping wife and son into his lap, eyes flashing a mystic silver as he gently rocked them back and forth until the sounds ceased to a stop.

"You're so dramatic sometimes, he's just only gonna be there for one year, honey." he chuckled, pecking his wife's forehead gently.

"You're right..." she sniffled and rubbed her teary eyes before grabbing Taehyung's hands.

"Please, Tae, it's just gonna be one year and it's gonna be great, I promise. You'll finally be able get know other people and find friends." she smiled and all of a sudden, Taehyung started to feel guilty for causing such a ruckus and making his mother cry.

"Who knows, maybe you'll even find your mate? I'm sure they're waiting for you out there." his dad said softly and stroked his cheek, wiping away the tears with his thumbs.

Taehyung sniffled and hugged his parents tighter, feeling himself relax immediately once he inhaled their scents. His mother pressed small kisses to his face and his father soothingly rubbed his back, making him notice something. They only wanted the best for him but he stubbornly refused their suggestions only because he was selfish. Taehyung began to feel sad and even more guilty for not acknowledging their efforts. Knowing that the time has come for him to gather the courage to leave his safe home and start a new life. Well, at least for one year.

So he gulped and looked up at his parents with anxious but determined eyes.

"I'll do it."


𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠

𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠

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