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  "Wait, so garlic doesn't do you any harm? At all?!"

"No, Tae. It doesn't. You just read too much books about vampires." Jeongguk sighed and shoved a spoonful of food into his mate's mouth to make him stop talking.

Taehyung pouted and his gaze dropped to his lap, chewing the food angrily but looking adorable as always. The others chuckled, the only one who stared off into nothing was Hoseok. Understandable, after all the things that happened yesterday. Gave him much to think about and he wouldn't really talk to anyone about it. But who could blame him?

"C'mon, Tae. Want another bite?" Jeongguk asked, only looking at the blonde when he didn't receive an answer.

"What, are you sulking now?" he teased and Taehyung humphed, turning his back to the royal blood while crossing his arms.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped themselves around his waist, wanting to pull him back and Taehyung whined, trying to get out of his grip. But Jeongguk began pulling him back nevertheless and the omega was about to complain but the vampire's next words made his heart beat faster.

"C'mere, baby."

The blonde froze completely, heartbeat skyrocketing quicker than the speed of light. Instantly, Taehyung's cheeks flushed bright red before he turned to Jeongguk, the others giving him shocked stares aswell.

"'Baby', huh? You got some nerve there, young man!" Seokjin scolded and only then Jeongguk seemed to realise what he just said, cheeks also tinting slightly red.

"S-sorry, don't know what came over me..." he muttered, eyes darting around nervously.

"I-it's okay." Taehyung stuttered but scooted a little closer so their hands were almost touching.

When their pinkies brushed accidentally, the omega jolted a little, quickly pulling his hand back when he felt the royal blood's eyes on him.

"Don't be shy." the sudden voice at his ear made him squeak and Taehyung turned red again.

Jeongguk chuckled lowly, reaching out for his mate's hand and intertwining their pinkies. The blonde's blush darkened if possible and he looked aside, not daring to glance at the vampire who he was sure of wore one of those cocky but sexy smirks at the moment. It didn't take long for the royal blood to play with his ring finger, too. After that, his middle finger and index followed until Jeongguk's big hand was carressing his.

After the break was over and the group walked back to their classrooms for their last two lessons. While doing so, Taehyung couldn't help but miss the warmth of Jeongguk's hand. But asking the royal blood to hold hands once more was out of question, of course. Strolling into the classroom, the omega let himself flop down onto his chair, head coming in contact with the material of his desk.

"Tired?" the vampire asked amused and Taehyung hummed tiredly, he really hadn't had much sleep last night. Not after they found another werewolf that turned out to be Hoseok's mate on top of that.

Jeongguk chuckled and before Taehyung could even process anything, he was lifted in the other's lap again so they were facing each other. A little squeal of surprise left the omega's throat and the vampire fondly smiled down at him. The blonde blushed and looked aside, picking at his shirt.

"Don't know what to do with your hands, hm?"

Taehyung flinched and Jeongguk snickered when the other's blush darkened.

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