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Taehyung bolted up from his bed as his alarm clock rang. Realising it wasn't own bed that he woke up in, the omega panicked, looking around frantically until he saw his school uniform on top of a table in the corner of his room. Sighing, Taehyung dropped his head as he remembered moving into the dorms not all too long ago.

The blonde turned the ringing device off and slipped out of his warm blanket, walking into the neighboring bathroom. Switching on the LED mirror, Taehyung almost startled upon seeing his own exhausted reflection. His blonde hair stuck up in every direction and there were dark rings beneath his eyes.

He sighed and began with his morning routine, brushing his teeth and taking a shower. Ten minutes later, the blonde walked back to where his bed was with just a towel wrapped around his hips, waterdroplets dripping from his still wet hair to the floor.

Taehyung quickly slipping into his uniform and returned to the bathroom to blowdry his hair. After applying a bit of makeup to blend his eyebags and putting the necklace on, the blonde happily grabbed his bag with the stuff he needed for today's classes and left his dorm room, locking it as a precaution.

Exiting the boys' dormitory, Taehyung clutched onto the straps of his bag as he entered the school. It was amazing how many different species attended this school, he'd seen everything from vampires, ghosts and ghouls to fairies, witches and fallen angels. Taehyung couldn't tear his eyes away whenever he saw something new, jaw going slack when he spotted demons and even dragons.

The bell rang, pulling the gaping omega back into reality and he hurriedly studied his timetable to find out where he had to go.

"Third level, room 196... which means I have to go that way!" Taehyung murmured and hastily started rushing into the said direction.

But just as he walked around the corner, Taehyung crashed straight into someone's chest, causing him to fall on his butt and the other person's books to fall onto the ground. Damn, whoever this was has a really hard and solid chest. Rubbing his butt, Taehyung winced slightly from the impact, panicking as he noticed the scattered books all over the floor.

"I-I'm so sorry!" he immediately apologised and began to collect the books.

"I-I wasn't paying attention, I-I'll collect your—"

The words died in Taehyung's throat as the person grabbed him and slammed him against the cold wall behind them, the action knocking the air out of the omega's lungs. Taehyung's eyes went wide in anxiety and he gasped, realising his feet weren't touching the ground and a large hand squeezing his throat held him up. Taehyung's widened eyes met the other ones and the blonde's heart skipped three beats at once.

Bloody red eyes.

The boy who held him up stared at him intimidatingly, his gaze piercing right through his Taehyung's soul and the blonde would've openly started crying if it weren't for the male's handsome face. The omega was a hundred percent sure that he'd never seen such an extraordinarily beautiful being before and not even some guys he'd seen on the internet before couldn't ever be compared to him.

The guy had light brown hair, some strands falling into his gorgeous face. His crystal clear red eyes held something mysterious and mystic, emitting a sharp and cold gaze that almost caused the omega's cheeks to redden. The male's cheeks were rosy and a tad squishy, making Taehyung want to poke them and trace his finger over the soft but pale skin down to the sharp jawline. His lips were plump, pillowy and slightly parted and the blonde could only dream of stealing a kiss from those perfect lips.

"Watch where the fuck you're going!" the male suddenly growled, making Taehyung remember again in which situation he currently was in.

The lack of oxygen led to his vision slowly blurring and the omega tried to free himself from the other's grip but he wasn't nearly as strong as the handsome stranger. Fear crashed down onto him and his eyes became teary, strangled noises leaving Taehyung's mouth as a desperate plea for the other to let him down.

Instead, he was pressed harder into the wall and the blonde choked out an anxious whimper, hands grabbing in vain at the male's to get it off but he just didn't let go. Seconds later, Taehyung felt his consciousness starting to slip and his movements ceased to a stop until his arms limply fell down, having no more strength left. His head buzzed and Taehyung wasn't able to tell anymore where right and left was when the stranger bent forwards, licking over the juncture of his neck.

"What an extraordinarily sweet taste."

Taehyung barely registered the words but when he heard a quiet hiss sound, his gaze dropped and despite the omega dangling on the edge of consciousness, he was still able to see the monster fangs coming closer.


Suddenly, the bell rang again and the stranger backed away, cursing briefly before letting go of the blonde who fell over and limply hit the ground, erratically gasping for air while his vision slowly returned. Taehyung just laid there and weakly watched as the handsome but dangerous stranger collected his books.

"We're not done yet." he growled lowly and left with three other guys whose presence Taehyung hadn't even noticed up until now.

The blonde shakily sat up and stayed seated against the wall for a few more minutes until he'd fully calmed down before getting up and wobbling his way to his classroom, the things that just happened not leaving his mind, especially the stranger's threat.

Once Taehyung reached the classroom, he realised that he was seven minutes late and sighed, after all it wasn't his fault. So he took a deep breath and daintily knocked on the door. He waited a few seconds until a teacher slid the door open, welcoming him with a smile which the blonde weakly returned.

"Alright, everybody listen up, from today on, a new student is going to join us! It's his first time attending a school so please be nice to him." the teacher briefly explained and ushered Taehyung to the front, telling him through a whisper to introduce himself.

"M-my name is Kim Taehyung and I'm seventeen years old. I've been homeschooled for the past eleven years so I don't really know how much about the everyday school life but I'll try my best to accomodate quickly." he squeaked out nervously and the girls cooed at him.

"Wonderful, Taehyung, now let's see if there's a free seat... Ah, right, why don't you sit next to Jeongguk?"

Taehyung followed the direction the teacher's finger was pointing into, his eyes widening and body freezing as he locked gazes with the so-called 'Jeongguk'. Those familiar eyes, which had a chocolate color this time, piercing right through him. This couldn't be, right?

Taehyung felt his blood run cold as he recognised him. How could he not remember that handsome face? Jeongguk, the guy he'd sit with for the rest of the year was none other than the stranger who almost killed him fifteen minutes ago.


𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤

𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤

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