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"HA! I win again!"

"I'm not believing that fucked up nonsense! You're cheating!!"

"Can you guys stop? Hobi and I are almost dying and Tae is crying!" Jimin wheezed between laughters.

The group was in Seokjin's room and currently playing Mario Kart 8. At first, everything had started off normally, they switched players since they only had two controllers and had lots of fun until it was Jeongguk's and Seokjin's turn to play. And after their first game, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung concluded that those had been the funniest events they've ever seen.

Seokjin was really really bad at Mario Kart and kept on screaming each time a COM passed him or Jeongguk hit him with an item. It turned out the vampire was a sore loser and demanded a return match which was followed by many many more. While Seokjin was cursing loudly at the royal blood, Jeongguk was laughing so hard his belly hurt, the rest wasn't any better.

"C'mon, hyung, let's switch players or we'll be playing until we're dead." the vampire wheezed and Seokjin tched before chucking the controller at Jimin.

"You try, too, Tae." Jeongguk grinned and the blonde's laughter immediately ceased to a stop.

"I-I'd rather not..." he smiled awkwardly.

"What? Why?"

"I've, uh... never played videogames before..?"

The room got quiet and everyone gaped at the omega who gulped and nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"You've never played videogames before? Like never never?" Jimin asked, not able to believe what he just heard.

Taehyung shook his head, gaze directed onto his lap. Jeongguk's lip twitched momentarily before getting up and putting the controller into the blonde's lap. Taehyung's eyes widened slightly and he glanced up unsurely.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you." the vampire smiled and the omega performed a small nod, sliding down Seokjin's bed to sit next to Jimin while the pure blood picked out a route.

As soon as the two started, Taehyung struggled with absolutely everything, constantly falling off the map or getting hit by COMs. The test tried not to coo at the helpless omega who frantically asked questions every ten seconds because he didn't understand anything.

Jeongguk let out a brief chuckle before settling down behind the blonde. Gently grabbing his hips, the royal blood pulled the startled omega onto his lap, his arms quickly snaking around his waist and the vampire placed his hands ontop of Taehyung's.

"I'll help a little." he grinned and began guiding him.

The blonde cheeks flushed a dark red as he felt Jeongguk's rather cold hands enclose his smaller ones, heartbeat speeding up at the feeling of their bodies being pressed together. But nontheless, he tried to focus even though it was hard while sitting on the royal blood's thick thighs.

Jeongguk noticed Taehyung's red face and smirked, intentionally brushing his lips against the soft skin of the omega's shoulder before he rested his head on his shoulder. The blonde flinched but didn't take his eyes off the screen, however his obvious blush showed how nervous he really was. As their characters entered the last round, Jeongguk slowly slid his hands back to Taehyung's elbows this time, pleased when the omega jolted heavier.

"You'll manage, right?" the royal blood whispered hotly into the blonde's ear that was also glowing red by now.

"Y-yes." he squeaked out, shifting around nervously.

Jeongguk didn't expect that to backfire and sucked in a sharp breath as his mate unconsciously rubbed himself against his crotch. Heat crashed down onto him and the royal blood glanced down to see Taehyung's bubble butt wiggle around slightly, however, the struggling omega was too immersed in the game to notice.

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