𝟷| 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎

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The man walked through the dark corridor, the sound of water droplets from the ceiling hitting the ground filling his ears. He wore black clothes, combined with a grey coat and some black leather boots. His hair ebony, his orbs pitch black. The man's jaw was clenched and his hands tightly held the paper files as he strid in big steps.

At the end of the corridor there was a large iron door. Once he halted infront of it, he raised his hand to unlock it with his biometrics, but his gaze fell down to the photo on the papers, showing a pale teenage boy.

He hesitated.

He pulled his hand back.

He saw her face in his inner eye.

He raised his hand again.

He pressed his finger on a small fingerprint sensor and the first green light turned on. Another machine scanned his face and the second lamp glowed up in a green color soon after. For the last process, he widened his right eye to get his retina verified. The third lamp lightened up and the massive door opened with a quiet click.

The man grabbed the handle and pushed it open, neither energetic nor fast. He was instantly greeted with a dark aura, making his inner beast shudder and bare its teeth in bloodlust. Calming himself by taking a deep breath, the man silently closed the door behind him and approached a huge table in form of a rectangle where a group of 13 other men had already taken their seats.

All eyes were on him as he walked to his seat, pulling the swivel chair back and settled down. The man didn't meet the other men's stares as he moved closer to the table, neatly placing the files on the glass table.

"Do you have the information?" one of them asked and the man's left hand balled into a fist beneath the table.

"Yes, I do." he spoke calmly, whereas inside him was nothing but chaos and hesitation.

He reached forwards with his right hand and grabbed the files, pushing them so they stopped right in the middle of the rectangle-shaped glasstable, 14 pairs of eyes following the papers.

"Isn't that interesting." a man spoke, lips curled up in a faint smirk as his eyes caught a glimpse of the picture.

Low chuckles erupted around the table but the man bristled at the sounds, nails digging into his palm as he expressionlessly watched the men reach for the files and take its papers out.

"Oh my, what a beauty he is. A shame he won't live much longer."

Whilst, the thirteen males continued to converse about the files and exactly study the papers, the man suddenly felt something wet on his hand. He glanced down in surprise and bewilderment, only to see that his palm had started to bleed. Narrowing his eyes, the man wondered how this happened, had he unconsciously extended his claws?

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open as he felt his inner beast growl menacingly, trying to free itself from its cage, clawing at its bars. Eyes almost flashing a bloody red, the man gripped onto the ring on his bleeding hand and tried to maintain his emotionless expression so the other men hopefully wouldn't expect anything.

»Calm down.« he spoke through the link.

»Me? Calm down?! I'll fucking murder the boy on my own!!«

»You won't, Mihee wouldn't have wanted it like that.«

With that, the beast shut up and after one final growl, he felt the tension leave his body. The man let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and closed his eyes for a second to compose himself. He then reached into his pocket, pulling out a handkerchief and wrapping it around his bleeding hand.

"Now that we have all the information that we need, when will we begin?" one of them asked.

"I'm afraid, we'll have to be patient for one more week. The begin of the schoolyear is just around the corner, thus we'll always know where he is." another guy smirked and collected the papers, neatly putting them back into the cover and handing them over to the man.

"Please make copies for each one of us." he added, not waiting for the male's answer before continuing.

"For now everyone is dismissed. We'll discuss the plan later on, gentlemen."


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