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  Next night, Taehyung felt really nervous on his way to the classroom. After lots of thinking yesterday, the omega came to the conclusion that he definitely should apologise to Jeongguk for making him feel more uncomfortable than he already was. Easy. Go inside, sit down, apologise, hug him perhaps and then never think about it again.

But of course, it wasn't that easy. Taehyung sighed, his heart beating faster the closer the classroom got. After finding out about his potential feelings for Jeongguk, the blonde spent the whole night thinking of ways how to approach the vampire without embarrassing himself. Because with the thought of him having a crush on the royal blood always being at the back of his head, Taehyung knew he'd be a stuttering mess.


The omega jumped at the sudden voice while gasping really loud, staring at Yoongi in shock. The raven-haired boy squinted his eyes in confusion and crossed his arms.

"Uh, you okay?"

"Y-yeah, totally!" Taehyung stammered, cheeks going red.

"Whatever, let's go inside." the older shrugged and walked past him, the blonde hesitantly following him.

As he entered the classroom, Taehyung's heartbeat abruptly quickened, blush darkening when he made his way over to Jeongguk who currently stared outside. Once the blonde reached their desk, he quietly sat down, already struggling how to say hello.

'Oh my god, what do I say now?!' he thought, panicking right away.


The soft murmur made Taehyung snap out of his thoughts and he quickly turned to look at Jeongguk shyly. The omega didn't even notice his heart drumming rapidly against his ribcage as his eyes laid sight on the royal blood's apologetic smile.

"C'mere." he said, patting his lap.

Taehyung felt the heat crawl to his cheeks and he hectically shook his head.

"I-I'd r-rather n— ah!" he squeaked as Jeongguk abruptly lifted him into his lap, hands resting on his waist.

The omega's whole face reddened and he tried to get off him, but the vampire kept him in place.

"Tae, listen, please."

"F-fine." the omega replied, cursing himself for stuttering.

"Thank you," the royal blood smiled, gently caressing the other's red cheek, "I wanted to apologise for yesterday. I shouldn't have said that, it was really mean. I'm sorry, Tae."

"I-it's fine, I'm sorry, too." Taehyung whispered before quickly scrambling off his lap, making Jeongguk frown in confusion.

"Are you okay?" he queried, cautiously placing his hand on the omega's thigh which caused Taehyung to jolt and quickly push his hand off.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, r-really." he mumbled, not meeting the vampire's eyes.

"There's definitely something wrong." Jeongguk sighed and the omega stiffened.

"You know you can tell me if something bothers you, right? C'mon, Tae, it's always better if you talk about it with someone." the royal blood kindly offered but Taehyung was quick to shake his head.

"There's nothing I have to talk about, r-really..." he retorted, startling himself at how harsh his words sounded.

"Okay, then let it be." Jeongguk rolled his eyes, pushed him off his lap and turned his attention back to the teacher, clearly offended.

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