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"AHHHH!!!" Taehyung screamed loudly when suddenly Jeongguk stood in the middle of his room.

"W-w-what are you d-doing h-here— H-how did y-you—" the omega panicked, fear immediately taking over his guts as he stepped backwards.

Jeongguk growled darkly and abruptly appeared right infront of him, staring into his widened eyes intimidatingly. Taehyung whimpered unconsciously and squeezed his eyes shut, already expecting the vampire to kick him. But much to his surprise, nothing came.

"You're so fucking dense and naïve, it's unbelievable."

Flinching, Taehyung slightly opened one eye to see Jeongguk roll his eyes and scoff before directing his intense gaze at the omega who immediately closed his eye again, fearing that it would upset the other. He didn't pay attention to what the vampire said at all, too anxious about the fact that a furious Jeongguk stood in his room, right infront of him.

"I was the bat for fucks sake, and now tell me where the fucking ring is!!"

Again, Taehyung let out a whimper, not even able to process what the other had just said, stumbling back until his back hit the closet. Until the moment his brain started working again, repeating the sentence over and over again. Jeongguk... was the bat? The bat... was Jeongguk? He'd really forgotten that vampires had the ability to turn into bats, just like he could shift into his wolf form.

Letting that sink in for a second, Taehyung thought further. That means Jeongguk had been here in his room all the time, when he helped him out of the necklace, when he offered him bat treats, when he scratched and bit Taehyung what must've been intentional after all and when... he changed his clothes.

Jeongguk almost saw him naked.

Jeongguk almost saw him naked.

Jeongguk almost saw him naked.

The omega's eyes snapped wide open and at first, only a light blush crept onto his cheeks. Jeongguk blinked in confusion, narrowing his eyes due to the other's weird behaviour. Seconds later, the red hue erupted all over his face and Taehyung began to tremble, looking at him in the most distraught and aghast way ever.

"Y-y-you... w-watched me c-change—" he whispered in shock, eyes blown wide.

Jeongguk froze at the omega's remark, body momentarily forgetting how to function which confirmed Taehyung's statement and he teared up, blush turning darker if possible once he realised he was still shirtless. Quickly grabbing the shirt from his bed, Taehyung pressed it against his exposed torso, vision blurring because of tears. He would've never expected the vampire to be so disgusting to watch him undress.

"It's not what you—"

"Get away from me, you pervert!!" Taehyung shouted, eyes showing how scared he was as the vampire took a step into his direction.

"I wasn't—"

"Don't come any closer!!" the omega cried out and Jeongguk halted, tongue pushing into the inside of his cheek in an annoyed manner as he eyed the trembling blonde.

"Listen to me—"

"NO!!" Taehyung shouted in fear as Jeongguk walked towards him, frantically looking around until his gaze fell on the books that were scattered on his bed.

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