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The crescent moon was shining through the opened window, lighting up Namjoon's expressionless face and making his sharp eyes glow mysteriously. He had been sitting by the window for almost an hour, just watching the stars and moon and closing his eyes from time to time as he grew more and more tired. Understandable, it was almost 11am already. But no matter how hard he tried to fall asleep, certain things kept him alive, not allowing him to sleep in until he had the unreachable answers to his endless questions.

Sighing, Namjoon got up and walked into the bathroom while peeling his shirt off, throwing it into the hamper before doing the same with his jeans. When he inspected his reflection in the mirror, his gaze fell down to the beautiful necklace dangling from his neck. But the mint-haired boy could only sigh again, how humiliating for his kind to have to wear such things as scent concealers. Gently taking it off, Namjoon traced his finger over the reddish magic pendant before putting it into a small black box which he locked without having to think twice.

Another yawn escaped his mouth as Namjoon made his way back into his bedroom but he ignored it, dumping the key into the drawer of his nightstand. The tall male then sauntered over to his closet, lazily pulling a pair of sweats and a white t-shirt. After closing the window he laid down on his bed, closing his eyes. But it was naïve of him to think his thoughts would leave him alone.


Who is he really and what was he hiding?


What's the real reason behind these weird seizures of his?

And who was following them each time they were out in the woods?

After ten minutes of trying to find answers, Namjoon gave up and soon found himself drifting away into the land of dreams.

He woke up early the next day and got out of bed, not caring that he could've slept for thirty more minutes or that he was completely sleep-deprived. After getting ready and throwing on his clothes, Namjoon unlocked the box and took the necklace out, putting it on. He then opened his window again and jumped out onto the roof where he laid down and just closed his eyes, like he always did in the morning. It calmed him. Namjoon was almost dozing off when suddenly something small and fluffy landed on his chest. He looked up to see a bat staring at him with big sparkly orbs before closing his eyes again with a sigh.

"You're weird, get off of me." Namjoon sighed and pushed the animal away, the bat squeaking in shock.

"You're such a meanie." came after a while.

Opening his left eye a split wide, his lips twitched in amusement when he saw Seokjin sitting next to him in his human form, knees pulled against his chest topped by a prominent pout on his face.

"Why did I even come down here. Should've stayed up in the air." the vampire huffed and Namjoon chuckled before sitting up in a swift motion.

"I have no idea, baby." he chuckled and walked back to his opened window.

"D-did you just call me b-baby?" Seokjin stammered, eyes wide and cheeks red.

Sending him one last teasing glance, Namjoon hopped back inside without saying another word. He closed the window and grabbed his stuff before leaving his room. On his way to his classroom, Namjoon halted infront of the other's, seeing the small group stand at Jeongguk's and Taehyung's desk and laugh about something.

The latter was on the royal blood's lap and was backhugged tightly as if being Jeongguk's most precious possession ever. The mint-haired boy rolled his eyes when the vampire started to tickle the smaller boy on his lap, smiling fondly upon hearing his small giggles. All of it just made Namjoon more suspicious. But he wouldn't try to pry into things that he wasn't involved in. After all, Jeongguk knew what he was doing, right?

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