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  Two weeks later, midterms were finally over. Everyone's results were good, even Jeongguk passed Potions thanks to Taehyung's help. They also found out Namjoon was an ace in absolutely every subject and Seokjin yelled at him for not tutoring him while the rest laughed their asses off.

Now that they were done, the group decided on watching a movie at Jeongguk's and Jimin's dorm room. Taehyung had been really excited for it during the whole week since this would be the first time he'd see the vampire's dorm. A knock on his door made the blonde jump up and rush to the door quickly, throwing it open enthusiastically. Namjoon stood infront of him, giving him a small smile which the omega returned.

"Ready, pup?"

"Yup!" Taehyung beamed and closed the door behind him.

On their way to the cousins' dorms, they caught up to Seokjin and Hoseok and chattered happily until they all arrived at their destination.

"Hey Tae, isn't this your first time here?" the vampire asked and Taehyung nodded shyly.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll like it." Hoseok reassured and nudged him a little.

The omega gulped and knocked hesitantly. They waited for a few seconds until the door was opened by Jeongguk. A shirtless Jeongguk. Taehyung's breath hitched instantly and his eyes widened as the royal blood scratched the back of his neck with a grin.

"Uh, hi guys—"


Taehyung slammed the door shut again.

After a few seconds of silence, the whole group broke out into a laughing fit, not even Namjoon being able to hold back. Taehyung whined out of embarrassment and Hoseok choked on his spit from laughing too hard, Seokjin's windshield wiper laugh filling the hallway as the omega pouted offended, his cheeks a fiery red.

The door opened yet again seconds later, revealing a wheezing Jeongguk and a cackling Jimin in the background. Taehyung crossed his arms and his pout intensified, wanting to turn around and leave but a pair of muscular arms wrapped around his waist stopped him.

"Where are you going, hm?" Jeongguk teased and the omega's cheeks colored prettily.

The rest rolled their eyes, quickly making their way inside and closed the door behind them as they didn't want to watch them being all lovey-dovey.

"N-nowhere.." Taehyung stuttered, trying to wriggle out of the vampire's grasp but to no avail.

"Aw, are you embarrassed?" the royal blood smirked, sliding his hands down so they were resting on the omega's thighs.

The blonde twitched slightly, heartbeat speeding up rapidly when he felt Jeongguk's hands rub small circles on his thighs while his body was pressing into his. Taehyung's breath hitched once again as the royal blood's hot breath hit his neck, his lips briefly brushing against his flushed skin.

Legs starting to tremble, the omega held onto Jeongguk's arms as his legs threatened to give out and that's exactly when the vampire decided to stroke his inner thighs. Jolting violently, Taehyung let out a mewl as he tried to push the other away but Jeongguk's grip on him was too strong.

"S-stop— please..." he begged, breath heavy and frantic.

All of a sudden, Taehyung was pushed away, so harsh he fell to his knees. Another thud was heard and he quickly turned around, seeing Jeongguk sit on the ground against the wall, quivering chest rising and falling rapidly but unevenly.

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