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Ever since Jeongguk caught Taehyung, everything, literally everything changed. The royal blood didn't beat him up anymore and suddenly started to act like a normal person. He was friendly and respectful and also a little bit more restrained, it was as if his dark side had never existed.

All of this was very confusing for the blonde, especially because every nice gesture made his heart flutter a little. Each time Jeongguk responded to him saying hello or bidding goodbye, all of it made Taehyung feel strangely giddy inside. Hell, yesterday he even asked the royal blood for a pen because he forgot his pencil case and Jeongguk gave him a pen, he didn't even ask Taehyung to return it at the end of the lesson.

"What is happening? I am so confused..." Taehyung sighed and fell facefirst onto his bed.

The blonde stayed in that position for a few seconds before rolling onto his back. He wanted to understand but sadly, no one gave him answers to his questions. Why, just why on earth would someone's behaviour like Jeongguk's change this abruptly? And especially towards him? The guy he used to bully? Maybe he was pitying Taehyung for being so weak that he even needed to undergo surgery because of his slow healing powers.

He sighed again, nothing made sense.

Suddenly, someone knocked on his door and Taehyung shot up, confused who would come to visit him. Slowly slipping out of bed, the omega forgot completely that he was only wearing a loose shirt plus some tight, white shorts that emphazised his butt very well.

Slowly he limped over to the door and grabbed the handle. Taking a deep breath, Taehyung opened it only a crack wide and peeked outside but the sight caused him to squeak anxiously and quickly slam the door shut again.


Taehyung's breathing quickened, eyes nervously shifting around while he was pressing himself against the door as if his life depended on it, not wanting the furious royal blood to enter at any cost. He flinched once Jeongguk knocked again.

"Can I—"

"G-go away!" Taehyung shouted, his voice all shaky.

Thanks to his werewolf senses he heard how the other sighed before walking away which Taehyung found pretty strange. Jeongguk was angry, so why didn't he just slam the door open or threaten the omega to open up? Millions of thoughts raced through his mind as Taehyung kept pressing himself against the door even if Jeongguk was long gone.

At least that's what he thought.

A sudden breeze of cold wind made Taehyung shudder and before the omega could register what was happening, a tall figure appeared infront of him out of nowhere. The blonde's eyes instantly went wide as his terrified orbs stared into Jeongguk's red ones.

Opening his mouth, Taehyung was about to scream when the royal blood leaped forwards, muffling his scream by covering his mouth with his hand. The blonde's eyes watered in fear and he immediately stopped, knowing that the only way out of this was to let Jeongguk have his way with him.

But this time, something was different. Taehyung's vision blurred and his jaw clenched, trying to hold the tears back like always but somehow, he couldn't and they spilled freely from his eyes. The omega really believed that Jeongguk had changed, that all those nice gestures were real... But it looked like Taehyung would never be able to trust him and the omega was already cursing hinself for being so gullible.

"Hey, shh, don't cry."

Jeongguk's gentle voice abruptly made him look at him with big eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you, that's never gonna happen again." he reassured softly and wiped the blonde's tears away with his thumb.

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