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"I-I don't think we should add more..."

"Come on, one more won't hurt. Besides, I'm only partially paralysed yet."

"Are you absolutely sure, Jeongguk?" Taehyung asked hesitantly, biting his lip.

"Yes, I am. Don't worry and add one more holy water." the royal blood assured.

"I swear, one day he's gonna kill himself because stupid things like these. And this dickhead even has the audacity to call it 'training'." Jimin sighed and plopped down on the tree's large branch, watching the two males continue their training from afar.

"Yup, definitely." Seokjin agreed and Hoseok chuckled.

The five boys currently were hanging out in the small forest next to the campus because Jeongguk desperately wanted to train. So the vampire eagerly texted the omega if he wanted to join them even though Hoseok could've done it aswell. In the end, Taehyung agreed and half an hour later, they met up and left the dorms together.

This time, Jeongguk had drunk the blonde's tea before they started to hopefully avoid the surprise and other embarrassing scenes since the others were watching this time.

"I still wonder why chose to train with Taehyung instead of you." Jimin said and Hoseok only shrugged.

Seokjin kept stealing glances at the two. A faintly blushing Hoseok only had eyes for the pure blood but Jimin didn't notice the witcher's gaze, he was intently watching his cousin talking to Taehyung about his condition.

'These guys..' Seokjin rolled his eyes before rising to his feet.

"What are you doing?" Hoseok asked and gave him a questioning look.

"I'll go back to the dorms now, there's still some homework I have to finish." he explained.

It took the witcher a few seconds to understand that he'd be alone with Jimin if Seokjin left, causing a blush to coat his cheeks and he silently pleaded for the vampire to stay. Much to his dismay, Seokjin only shook his head.

"I'll leave then."

"Bye, hyung." Jimin said, not taking his eyes off the boys on the ground.

"Bye!" Seokjin uttered before quickly bending down next to Hoseok's ear.

"Make a move on him or Jimin will see you as a friend forever, you know how clueless he is when it comes to love."

Hoseok nodded shyly and bid his goodbye, watching as Seokjin jumped down the tree and used his vampire speed to go back. The witcher's belly tingled because of nervousness and he glanced over at Jimin, taking his stunning side profile, his gaze eventually stopping at the pure blood's plump lips.

It took Hoseok a while to tear his gaze away and he just stared forwards expressionlessly, wondering whether he ever was able to confess his feelings to Jimin. Shaking his head, the witcher concluded that what Seokjin said was true, he just had to make the first move. That shouldn't be difficult, right?


"What is it?" Jimin turned to look at him and Hoseok instantly felt panic rise within him, quickly looking aside.

"Are you okay?" the pure blood questioned softly, placing his hand atop the witcher's.

Hoseok's face flushed a dark red at the feeling of Jimin's hand on his. Meanwhile, the vampire blinked in confusion and put a hand on his forehead.

"Oh my god, you're burning hot!" Jimin blurted out alarmed, "Are you alright?!"

"I am..." Hoseok smiled weakly which didn't seem to convince the pure blood.

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