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"So, uh, you're a male omega?" Namjoon asked whilst they were still racing through the woods.

"Well, yeah?" Taehyung uttered nervously, purposely avoiding eyecontact with the other.

"Hey, that's nothing to be shy or unsure about. In fact, it's wonderful, Tae. You're one of a kind." Seokjin added with a smile and the omega stared at him briefly.

"You don't think it's weird?" the blonde mumbled. "Don't think I'm weak and useless?"

The others threw shocked stares at him, Namjoon clenched his jaw as he glanced into Taehyung's emotionless eyes. Quickly, he grabbed his hand and forced him to stop. The others imitated them confused, looking at them curiously. Namjoon sighed, pulling the omega into his arms.

"Don't ever think that low of yourself, you hear me, Taehyung? What you did back there was really brave of you even though you knew you couldn't beat all of them. I know you couldn't see it, but you saved all the students. During the time you distracted that guy, the teachers who were held captive somewhere in school, were able to come to their rescue and can now fight the werewolves until the students are safe. Taehyung, without your brave act lots of them would've already died by now. It was you who saved them."

By the time Namjoon was finished, Taehyung was shaking in his arms, hands tightly gripping onto him as he tried to hold his tears back.

"Don't cry, pup." the mint-haired boy smiled softly, tracing his thumb over the omega's cheeks.

"Do you understand now? You're an amazing, brave and strong person. Don't ever believe that you as an omega are weak and useless because what you did today proves that it's wrong." he uttered and chuckled when Taehyung quickly rubbed his blue, teary eyes.

"Thanks, hyung. It means a lot to me." the omega sniffled.

The others smiled and Jimin didn't waste any time to pull him into a tight hug aswell. After everyone got to embrace Taehyung, they finally remembered why they were here in the first place.

"Fuck, from all the talking I forgot in which direction we had to go." Seokjin cursed.

"It doesn't matter, they could've taken Jeongguk absolutely anywhere. We just increased the distance." Namjoon sighed, looking around hopelessly.

"What if we just—"

"Did you guys hear that?" Hoseok interrupted Jimin, brows furrowed in confusion.

"Hear what?" the rest asked simultaneously.

"Someone just called my name, I'm one-hundred percent sure." he said slowly, eyes wandering around.

"What? I can hear better than eighty-five percent of all living species as a werewolf, but why can't I hear anything?" Taehyung mumbled irritated.

"B-but there is someone calling my name!" Hoseok stammered, suddenly getting scared.

Suddenly, Taehyung froze.

"Hold on, I do hear something. But that doesn't sound like a voice... more like, uh, footsteps? Why does it sound so familiar—"

The second afterwards a werewolf jumped out of nowhere and landed on top of Hoseok who let out an 'oof'. They rolled a few meters before finally stopping, the witcher on the ground and the alpha above him. After some seconds Hoseok slowly opened his eyes, seeing a pair of red eyes staring back at him. There were a few moments of silence until—

"Mate!" Hoseok exclaimed.

The rest blinked.

"Oh, that's him?" Seokjin questioned.

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