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  "Tae, wake up~"

"Mhm, don't wanna, mom.." Taehyung mumbled tiredly, burrowing the lower half of his face into the blanket.

"No honey, you have to wake up." someone giggled and carressed his back.

"Nooooo~ I'll train with dad later..."


"AHHHH!!!" Taehyung screamed and fell off the bed in shock, laughter echoing through the room.

His heart was racing, his breathing was erratic and uneven and the omega looked up to see where the windshield wiper laugh came from. Of course it was Seokjin, who else. Hoseok was laughing loudly just like the vampire, his wide sunshine smile adorning his lips. Only Jimin was somehow able to hold back his laughter by pressing his hand over his mouth but even him escaped a few chuckles.

Well, all in all they looked so cute, the blonde couldn't be mad at them and it didn't take long before his lips curled up in a boxy smile.

Then his gaze fell on Jeongguk who sat on his bed and Taehyung presumed he was the one who woke him by playing his mom. The royal blood grinned cheekily and the blonde huffed with a smile before crawling back onto his bed.

"Alright, thanks for waking me up, now leave and let me get changed, you idiots." Taehyung grinned and began to push the others to his door.

"Why do you always send us away whenever you change? We're all men here." Jimin shrugged.

"I just don't feel comfortable with undressing infront of other people... I've always been like that." Taehyung replied with a tight-lipped smile.


Everyone's eyes flickered over to Seokjin.

"You do have a dick though, right?"

"Of course I have one." Taehyung answered aghast.

"Aaaalright, let's go. We should respect his privacy." Hoseok quickly interjected and dragged the two vampires outside.

The omega let out a relieved breath and walked back to his closet, momentarily resting his head against the wooden door. He hated lying to his friends about his true identity but he couldn't risk anyone finding out starting with Taehyung always having to change alone so no one would see his two genitals. Sighing, the omega opened the closet and swiftly pulled his shirt off, not noticing the pair of eyes that was still watching him.

Only when a whistle echoed through the room, Taehyung finally whipped his head around in shock. His eyes widened when he spotted Jeongguk sitting on his bed with sly smirk and he quickly pressed the garment against his exposed torso. How could he forget about him? But the blonde had to admit, this situation was kind of ironic since it wasn't the first time it happened.

"W-what are you doing here? Get out!" Taehyung cried, blushing because he knew the only thing he was still wearing were boxers.

"Why would I leave when I could stay here and enjoy this sexy view?" the royal blood smirked and the omega felt himself get redder so he quickly turned around.

Using his vampire speed, Jeongguk stood close behind Taehyung out of nowhere seconds later, their bodies almost touching. The omega jolted and stubbornly kept staring forwards, heart beating faster and faster as he felt the vampire's breath hit his neck.

"I know there's something you don't want to tell us.." Jeongguk whispered, his hands resting on the smaller boy's hips.

"You know you can trust us, Tae." he continued, gently rubbing his sides.

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