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  As the alarm clock went off this time, it surprisingly was Jeongguk who woke up by its sound. Groggily searching around for his mate's smartphone, the royal blood turned the annoying device off and dropped his head back onto the fluffy pillow. After a solid minute of trying to fall asleep again, the vampire gave and decided to open his eyes instead.

Once his eyes got used to the barrier's constructed faint moonlight shining through the window, he looked around, gaze soon falling down to his mate's sleeping form. A warm, tingly feeling spread through his entire body as the royal blood stared at Taehyung's adorable face with a small smile, soon noticing he was still holding him. The blonde's head was peacefully resting on his chest and his body was tightly pressed against Jeongguk's, their legs entangled.

The vampire began to gently caress the other's waist while cautiously getting on top of him. Jeongguk just couldn't stop staring at Taehyung. He truly was the most beautiful creature he'd ever met in his whole life. The royal blood bent down and began placing soft butterfly kisses onto his gorgeous mate's collarbones, careful to not wake the sleeping beauty. The more kisses he trailed over the omega's collarbones, chest and torso, the more addicted he became to doing so.

A peck to his nipple made the blonde jolt a little, a small whine leaving his lips. Jeongguk chuckled and repeated his actions, teasing his mate a little more until he got up, not forgetting to kiss Taehyung's lips beforehand. The royal blood pulled the covers over his mate's almost naked body before walking into the bathroom and taking a shower to clean off last night's remnants, not having to take off any clothes since he was still nude. After he was finished, he briefly dried his hair by rubbing it with a towel, then wrapping it around his hips.

Once Jeongguk emerged from the bathroom, a smile immediately found his lips when he saw that Taehyung was awake now, too. Lovingly glancing at the omega who was now laying on his stomach and staring outside, he used his vampire speed to approach his mate without him noticing. The blonde flinched at the sudden presence behind him and he began to squirm when he felt Jeongguk place kisses all over his bare back, leaving not a single spot untouched. Taehyung's breath hitched promptly as the royal blood started to sensually slide his hands up and down his sides.

"Mornin' petal..." Jeongguk murmured into his ear, voice still deep and raspy which made the omega shudder once more.

"G-good morning." Taehyung squeaked, feeling his cheeks heat up, especially when the vampire's damp chest came in contact with his back.

"You should take a shower soon, Tae. I'll choose an outfit for you and put the clothes into the bathroom, you can stay in bed a little longer." Jeongguk mumbled and pressed one last kiss to the juncture of his neck before getting up.

Whilst the royal blood picked out various clothes for his mate to wear, Taehyung was busy blushing deeply and hiding his reddened face in a pillow which he assumed was Jeongguk's anyway. Nontheless, the omega already found himself missing the feeling of the royal blood snuggled close to him and him trailing kisses all over his skin. His heartbeat quickened slightly but this time, Taehyung didn't question it anymore because during last night's doings he finally realised it.

He totally had the biggest crush on Jeongguk ever.

Getting up after a few seconds, he yawned and stood up, blinking tiredly. Speaking of Jeongguk, where even was he? The question was answered before Taehyung could even give it a serious thought as a fully dressed royal blood suddenly appeared right infront of him. The blonde shrieked in surprise and would've almost tripped if Jeongguk hadn't caught him.

"Sorry for scaring you." he chuckled and Taehyung couldn't help but giggle, too. "Your clothes are in the bathroom."

"Thank you." the blonde whispered, eyes not looking away from Jeongguk's mesmerizing red ones but the vampire was the same, not letting go of his mate.

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