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About an hour later, school was about to start and Jeongguk was genuinely worried because Taehyung wasn't showing up. Had he drained his energy so much that he couldn't even get up? Feeling really guilty, he dropped his head down on the desk and counted the passing seconds.

"Hey, why so sad?" Jimin's voice asked from behind.

"It's nothing..."

"If it's nothing, you wouldn't be so down." Hoseok said softly and rubbed his back.

"True, I haven't seen you in this condition for a long time." Seokjin stated, making Jeongguk sigh.

Just how did he deserve to he friends with them?

"It's about Tae... I— After you all left, he let me suck his blood this morning but I drank too much, the uncontrollable bastard I am. The bloodloss resulted in him having a severe headache and he couldn't even get up..." Jeongguk mumbled and his friends looked at each other worried.

"And although Tae always says that I'm not a monster, it's exactly what I am. Hopefully, he realises that soon enough..."

"Well, I'll stick to my words, in my eyes you'll never be a monster."

The royal blood's head shot up, eyes going wide as they spotted a smiling Taehyung standing infront of their desk.

"Ggukie, you know that this is not your fault, it's theirs."

"B-but if I had more self-control—" the vampire was quickly shut up by the omega's hands on his cheeks.

"Jeongguk. Stop thinking that it's your fault." Taehyung smiled, not knowing why he suddenly felt a pang to his chest.

Jeongguk's mate must be a horrible person that the royal blood kept on refusing to accept them. All of this had started even before they became friends and the first time it happened was when they were in the showers. Wait, does that mean it's someone of the boys in their class? But what Taehyung didn't know was that this hadn't been the first time Jeongguk lost control. It first happened when the royal blood had been in the omega's room.

Soon after, the lesson began but the blonde didn't— couldn't pay attention as his thoughts were elsewhere. He just couldn't wrap his head around the whole thing with everything being so complicated. Jeongguk refused to accept his mate, but why when he knew it'd kill him? But confusion wasn't the only thing he felt. Taehyung didn't know why he was feeling jealous towards the royal blood's mate. He wanted to be in his place!

His cheeks turned red at his thoughts and the omega tried to pay attention to the teacher again but he just couldn't stop thinking about the whole mate issue.

During break, the group sat down in the cafeteria and began to chatter about random things, Taehyung being unusually quiet. Jeongguk kept on watching the omega from the corner of his eye but instead of talking to him, he placed his hand on the blonde's thigh and soothingly rubbed it up and down.

Taehyung jolted and shrunk in his seat, heartbeat rapidly speeding up at the touch of Jeongguk's hand. Unconsciously, he spread his legs a little, wondering why liked the sensation and why he suddenly felt all jittery and nervous.

The omega didn't know why the royal blood's, and only his, touches had such a great effect on him. On top of that, Arctos' strange reactions made him even more suspicious. If all this had something to do with his instincts, does that mean they have a special bond? It just had to, after all Arctos told him back in Potions, he acted on instincts because the time has come for Taehyung to search for his mate.

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