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A few days later, Taehyung was finally allowed to attend classes again. After he finished dressing himself, he began limping towards his classroom what took him longer than expected. The omega was completely out of breath once he arrived at his destination.

He briefly knocked and the teacher, who happened to Mrs. Kang, opened up and let him in. The whole class went completely silent at his arrival and all of their jaws dropped as they saw Taehyung's injuries. The omega smiled weakly and immediately, he was bombarded with questions about his well-being until Mrs. Kang silenced the class.

The blonde sent her an thankful gaze before limping back to his desk. He put the crutches aside and sat down without looking at Jeongguk at first. But when he did a few seconds later, Taehyung cursed himself for letting out a shocked "What happened to you?".

The royal blood had dark eyerings and his eyes looked lifeless, actually his whole expression was emotionless but there was something else in his orbs, something that surprised Taehyung because he thought Jeongguk wouldn't be able to feel this emotion.


The vampire slowly turned to look at him, his gaze piercing through him and Taehyung was already panicking, his anxiety rising when Jeongguk opened his mouth.

"Haven't been feeling well lately... headache is killing me.." he mumbled.

"A headache? I know a special type of tea that helps very well! It's my grandmother's recipe but I can show you if you want!" Taehyung blurted out nevertheless despite his fear, not realising what he just said.

It took the omega a few seconds to process what he just told Jeongguk and when he did, his blood ran cold and the color drained from his face. He tried to help Jeongguk right now, the mere thought giving him the chills because now he knew how much pride the ambitious royal blood had.

Offering a royal blood help surely was a nice act but these vampires often felt like getting made fun of and that their kind was understimated, something Taehyung knew only too well. So the blonde panicked even more, trying to find an solution that wouldn't result in him ending up in the hospital for the second time.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be r-rude! I-I'm not underestimating you royal bloods at all, I..."

As Taehyung anxiously continued to ramble on quietly, Jeongguk felt a tug at his heart at the sight, practically able to see the blonde's immense fear in his eyes. Again, his grandfather had been completely right. His mate is scared of him more than anybody else... And on top of that, it was his own fault.

"I-I really didn't want to come off as rude—"

"Thank you..."

The royal blood's soft whisper had Taehyung stop talking immediately, looking at the vampire with big bewildered eyes, completely taken aback by his behaviour. The omega watched in surprise as Jeongguk's eyes softened a little, his gaze shifting around before speaking up again.

"About that recipe... I'd really like to try it. May I come over to your dorm this week to grab the recipe?" the royal blood whispered, still sounding incredibly tired and exhausted to Taehyung no matter how taken aback he was just now.

"S-sure..." the blonde replied shocked but didn't really notice himself saying that, given the fact that he was still utterly perplexed.

"Thanks..." Jeongguk mumbled before turning back to the teacher, leaving Taehyung to ponder about what just happened for the rest of the lesson.

What could've been the cause behind Jeongguk's unusually nice behaviour? Taehyung was convinced that it wasn't him getting badly injured because this has happened quite often before. Or maybe it was one of his friends who finally decided to knock some sense into him? Or could it have been his grandfather?

Taehyung couldn't stop thinking about what the vampire had said even after the lesson ended and he slowly put his things into his bag, too deep in thoughts. The omega stood up and reached over to grab his crutches but ended up tripping over the desk's leg. Gravity pulling him down made Taehyung snap out of his trance and he let out a squeak, closing his eyes as the ground came closer, knowing this was going to be painful.

But the impact never came. Instead the omega was pulled against a chest before he would meet the ground and oh my god, there was this absolutely enticing scent again. Eyes fluttering open, Taehyung shyly looked up only to see the person he feared the most. His eyes widened drastically and he panicked when he noticed his hands on Jeongguk's chest.

But as soon as the blonde inhaled the other's scent once more, his breath hitched, eyes widening as Taehyung felt something he's never felt before. It was his wolf acting up. Arctos was panting loudly, so loud it resonated in the omega's head. But Taehyung didn't have time to focus on him as he was forced to inhale that sweet scent again, not able to prevent the jolt that rocked through his body which made him notice Jeongguk's hand that was secured protectively around his waist.

On top of that, the vampire was holding him close, like really really really close and Taehyung felt heat rush to his cheeks due to their proximity, their noses almost touching. But instead of letting go, both males didn't move a muscle, the thought of backing away not even crossing their minds as they inspected each other's faces from close up.

Jeongguk finally admitted how beautiful Taehyung was, taking in his features with a soft gaze. A few strands of his blonde hair fell into his face, covering his forehead a little. The omega's eyes were wide open in shock and dark orbs were staring right back into the royal blood's. His cheeks were coated in a faint blush due to their position and his his plump cherry lips were slightly parted.

"Are you okay?" Jeongguk eventually asked, voice laced with concern.

"Y-y-yes, I-I am!" Taehyung stuttered, his blush getting darker as he quickly backed away and grabbed his crutches, mumbling a 'T-thank y-you' before hurrying outside as fast as he could.

Jeongguk just stood there blinking, not able to process what happened, confused and surprised simultaneously by the sudden warmth that spread through his body, his hormones dancing happily in his veins as he was able to hold his gorgeous mate close, even if it was only for a few seconds. Jimin, Hoseok and Seokjin witnessed the whole situation a few desks away, their mouths wide agape at the fact that Jeongguk caught Taehyung, pulled him closer and held him. The royal blood's cousin was the first one to snap out of his gaze and walk over to him.

"So, uhm..." he cleared his throat awkwardly. "I guess there's gonna be some change of plans?"


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