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A few weeks have passed since the incident and Jeongguk's and Taehyung relationship had changed a lot. They grew closer and closer and became more intimate as in cuddling in public or sometimes even holding hands but that was only when the omega was extremely scared of something. Basically, there wasn't a time they weren't all over each other when the group hung out. But that was normal between friends, being all inseparable and clingy, right? Either way, both of them didn't care as long as they could hang out and have fun.

Little did Taehyung and Jeongguk know that both tried to suppress these weird, bubbly feelings whenever they held each other close and the uneven, quick heartbeat that always came with it. But whilst one knew where these feelings came from, the other was still figuring it out, yet oblivious to the bond fate had connected them with. Midterms were edging closer and closer and the group was completely stressed out, no one leaving their rooms to study except for school or other really important stuff as in study groups or emergencies. Speaking of emergencies—

"Tae, I beg you! I swear I won't bother you anymore!" Jeongguk pleaded, pouting cutely.

"This is the third time you're knocking on my door today! I need to study, too..." Taehyung sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I know, I know, but Mr. Choi said this is going to be on the test and I don't understand this shit at all!" the vampire whined and looked at the omega with big puppy eyes, knowing that he couldn't resist them.

"Ugh, fine. Get in." the blonde let out in defeat and the royal blood happily rushed inside, placing two papers on the desk while Taehyung closed the door.

Trotting back inside, the blonde yawned and rubbed his eyes since he'd barely gotten any sleep because of the constant studying. Jeongguk watched Taehyung plop down on his seat and was quick to bend down, hugging him from behind while the blonde skimmed through the papers.


"Mhm." the omega hummed softly and Jeongguk chuckled, nuzzling his nose into Taehyung's hair.

Closing his eyes, the vampire inhaled deeply, the scent of the other's mango shampoo filling his nostrils. But again, there was nothing else. No natural scent. Whenever he tried to inhale his mate's scent, there was nothing, no scent at all. However, Jeongguk always reminded himself that it didn't matter what Taehyung's  natural scent smelled like. Because he knew that at some point his mate would smell like a mixture out of them, Jeongguk and Taehyung.

"What the hell? This is the easiest topic we learned throughout Potions." Taehyung sighed.

"Well, I'm sorry, not everyone's a smartass like you." Jeongguk humphed and his mate giggled.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry for pointing out the obvious." he giggled and they sat down on the floor.

Half an hour later, Taehyung was done explaining the important parts in a way Jeongguk was able to understand. He felt his eyelids begin to get heavy as he told the royal blood to solve a few questions while leaning back onto the chair, grabbing the stuff he'd been going through before the vampire needed his help.

Taehyung yawned, barely able to concentrate on the papers he was reading, checking Jeongguk's answers from time to time. If neccessary he corrected them but the royal blood's answers were mostly right anyways so he thankfully could still focus on his own stuff, the other's presence making him relax, like always.

Jeongguk pushed his tongue into the inside of his cheek, a habit of his whenever he was concentrating onto something hard. After thinking lots, he scribbled down an answer, determined to get it right this time.

"Tae, is this—"

The royal blood stopped midsentence when he realised Taehyung had fallen asleep against the chair, cutely rolled together into a ball. Jeongguk fondly smiled at the omega and crawled over to him, taking the papers out of his hands before carefully scooping him up into his arms.

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