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  When Jeongguk emerged from the bathroom fifteen minutes later, the room was empty. Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair, taking a moment to calm himself before he exited their room and began walking downstairs to where the others were.

Why did he always mess everything up? He helped Taehyung through his first orgasm, what in the world was he thinking? Especially when he knew things weren't the best between them at the moment. Jeongguk sighed, how could he expect the blonde liked it? That would've truly been a miracle. God, he was so stupid. Again, he fucked up everything between them, he always did. Unknowingly, tears pooled in his eyes as the royal blood made his way over to their group where Taehyung was already waiting.

"Morning, Gguk. How did you sleep?" Jimin smiled.

But Jeongguk said nothing and pushed his way through, figuring the best way was not to talk to anyone right now.

"He's being weird again." Seokjin said with a cocked eyebrow, gaze darting to Taehyung who looked after the vampire with mixed emotions.

"Tae, do you perhaps know why he's like this?"

The omega flinched, staring at his shoes.

"N-no." he replied in a small voice, glancing at Seokjin.

"Whatever, I just hope he stops behaving like that soon so he can have some fun." the vampire sighed and Taehyung nodded timidly, knowing it was him who was actually at fault.

Throughout the whole day Jeongguk was oddly quiet and didn't talk much, especially not to Taehyung. The rest began to worry about the vampire but the royal blood refused to tell them anything. By the end of the day, the two roommates actually managed to not talk a single word, not even on their way back to their room.

The blonde had started to feel guilty eventually, since he was the one at fault. He agreed on Jeongguk's suggestions last night and didn't even try to stop him, yet blamed him afterwards. Taehyung sighed quietly, after all he knew that he liked what the royal blood did to him and how he treated him this morning. But that wasn't the only thing that came to his mind when he thought about their sexual activities.

Taehyung knew, it was strange but somehow, he desperately wanted it to happen again. The feeling of Jeongguk's hands all over his skin caused chills to run down his spine. He wanted the royal blood to kiss him, to touch him intimately, to thrust into him until he couldn't walk anymore. Taehyung gulped as he felt the heat crawl to his cheeks, almost getting hard by those lewd thoughts.

Strangely, the omega didn't think it was weird to have such thoughts anymore because as the blonde realised, he blamed it on the soon-to-be heat and that it was probably messing with his brain and hormones. And maybe, maybe it had something to do with his crush on Jeongguk, but Taehyung of course refused to believe that since he was still trying to figure out his feelings.

After closing the door behind him, the omega gulped at the sight of the royal blood wordlessly throwing his pillows and blanket onto the floor again. He then went into the bathroom and locked it, all without sparing Taehyung a glance or saying a word to him. The omega looked down, feeling his heart clench painfully.

It's always his fault.

Jeongguk who stepped under the shower, finally let his tears run as soon as the warm water came in contact with his skin. His whole body was trembling heavily and he was sobbing quietly while all the royal blood could think about how sorry he was and whether Taehyung could ever forgive him for what he has done.

Taehyung flopped down onto his bed, stare directed at the ceiling. He didn't know what to do in this situation. The omega knew he had to apologise to Jeongguk for being so unreasonably mean to him but Taehyung didn't know how to. Sighing, he curled himself into a ball and listened to the sounds of the shower.

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