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"Ah, J-Jeongguk.." Taehyung moaned, thighs shaking heavily as a warm, wet tongue delved into his channel.

"My sweet little omega, so wet and desperate for me." the royal blood murmured, a smirk plastered on his face.

The blonde whimpered, eyes getting teary as Jeongguk continued to tonguefuck him, his warm, wet muscle rubbing deliciously against his inner walls. Breath getting heavy, Taehyung's whole body tensed up and he felt his orgasm approach, letting the vampire know through desperate cries that spilled from his lips and by rolling his hips harder against Jeongguk's face. The royal blood's tongue slipped out and began to tease at his clit, causing Taehyung's eyes to widen. He whimpered loudly, voice high-pitched as he shied away, thighs trembling and cunt dripping.

"Nuh-uh, don't run away from me." Jeongguk grinned and pulled him back by his thighs.

"Ah! O-oh fuck.. J-Jeongguk!" Taehyung cried out as the royal blood slid his tongue back in while thrusting two fingers into his ass at the same time.

Overstimulation hit the omega like a truck and his thighs gave out, his body coming in contact with the mattress but Jeongguk pulled him up by his ass again and shoved his face further into his crotch, allowing his tongue to thrust deeper into his vagina. The blonde arched his back with a loud whimper and buried his flushed face in the pillows, hips desperately pressing back against the vampire's sinful tongue. It took the royal blood only one more sharp jab into Taehyung's prostate and the omega was coming, hard.

A loud cry from his mate resonated through the room as his juices splashed on Jeongguk's tongue which the royal blood greedily lapped up and swallowed while continuing to lazily thrust two fingers into Taehyung's asshole, gently pressing into his prostate with each stroke to make this orgasm as much pleasureable as possible. The omega was shaking and writhing beneath him, broken whimpers and sobs leaving his swollen lips while cum poured out of him. His cock had already left a small puddle of the sticky white substance behind and Taehyung sniffled, crying out when Jeongguk began to lick his dripping wet folds again.

"N-n-not a-again, p-please.." the omega begged dizzily, a hundred percent sure he wouldn't be able to endure the pleasureable but tiring procedure a fifth time.

"Why, petal? Didn't you beg me to eat your pussy like a five course meal earlier?"

Taehyung flushed bright red and gripped the pillow tighter.

"I-I know.. But I-I'm t-tired and oversensitive..." he whispered shakily, sniffling lightly.

Jeongguk didn't respond for a second and Taehyung gulped thickly but suddenly, he was turned onto his side, pressed against the royal blood's warm, naked chest. The omega stared up at him with big eyes, orbs a beautiful arctic blue. The vampire smiled and pressed a kiss atop of his mate's head. Taehyung's body relaxed instantly and he hummed, nuzzling his nose into his chest.

"You did so good tonight, I'm very proud of you, baby." Jeongguk praised and the omega blushed shyly, hiding his reddened face in the royal blood's chest.

"Such an obedient and pretty omega, hm?" he continued, grabbing the blonde's leg and throwing it over his hips, Taehyung whimpering.

"Y-your omega." he shyly mumbled, making Jeongguk smile while letting his hand wander down to the omega's bubble butt and carress the smooth skin lightly.

"You're mine. And mine only." the vampire growled possessively and Taehyung whimpered out when two fingers entered his vagina, rubbing against his sensitive walls.

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