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The next night, Taehyung woke up by his alarm clock's obnoxious ringing. The omega grumbled in annoyance, reaching for his phone with closed eyes and turned it off after a few attempts before cuddling back into the warmth that surrounded him. Letting out a content hum, the blonde curled his hands into tiny fists, nestling his cheek against his warm and soft pillow.

After a few minutes of trying to fall asleep again, Taehyung gave up and yawned cutely, rubbing his eyes before fluttering them open. He blinked tiredly, vision still blurry and he decided to close them again. That was until the thing behind him moved. The omega's eyes shot wide open and he tried sitting up but a pair of strong arms kept him in place. This time, the blonde's view sharpened and he squeaked loudly when he turned his head and saw Jeongguk's face, only a few inches separating them.

Taehyung instantly blushed bright red and hid his flustered face in his hands, thinking the noise must've woken him up. Seconds of pure silence passed and Jeongguk didn't budge one bit. The omega then decided to peek at his face to check if he really was asleep. Gulping, Taehyung raised his hand and softly brushed a strand behind his ear, only to quickly pretend he was sleeping the next second.

But when the royal blood didn't move again, Taehyung opened his eyes, poking his nose. Again, no reaction. Growing confused, the omega repeated his action but Jeongguk was still dead asleep. A pout formed on the blonde's lips and he tried shaking the other awake, knowing that he couldn't free himself from the royal blood's death grip. But Jeongguk didn't show any signs of waking up.

"Ggukie, wake up!" Taehyung whined, shaking the other's shoulder harder as an attempt to wake him up.

Instead the omega was only embraced tighter. Taehyung flushed when he felt Jeongguk's breath hit his neck, about to open his mouth to protest but something else had his blush darkening a split second later.

Something hard was poking his butt.

Taehyung's breath hitched and his cheeks were beyond red, a whimper of embarrassment on the verge of tumbling from his lips. He was totally imagining this, there was no way this was happening, the omega told himself before anxiously rolling his hips to test his theory. Suddenly, Jeongguk twitched and let out a quiet moan which made the blonde want to dig his own grave.

The vampire was indeed hard.

Tears pooled in his eyes and Taehyung tried to wriggle out of Jeongguk's grasp but couldn't. On top of that, he kept on rubbing certain things that had the royal blood releasing breathy moans in his sleep, the friction causing Jeongguk to furrow his eyebrows.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" Taehyung cried desperately, trembling as a weird feeling surged through his body each time the vampire's quiet moans filled his ear.

As if that wasn't enough, the omega's eyes abruptly widened when he felt Jeongguk beginning to lowly grind against him in his sleep. Totally overwhelmed by the sensation of the other's erection grazing his ass, Taehyung stiffened, tears blurring his sight. He didn't want this, especially not now when his first heat was nearing. On top of that, the omega had zero experience in sexual acts. The blonde was a virgin in practically everything, he hadn't even touched himself yet, he barely knew how sex works.

But why did this feel so good?

Taehyung's breath hitched when Jeongguk increased his speed a little, the omega feeling how the latter's cock twitched slightly. Suddenly the blonde felt hands on his waist, forcing a shriek out of him. He quickly peeked over his shoulder, only to find out the royal blood was still sleeping.

"Mhm..." Taehyung accidentally let out as Jeongguk squeezed his waist.

Immediately, the omega's whole face went bright red but he couldn't help but enjoy the wave of arousal that surged through his body when the royal blood repeated his action. Breath getting heavier, Taehyung soon found himself slightly rocking his hips back against the vampire's, eyes slowly fluttering shut. The occasional squeezes Jeongguk gave to his waist started to get more pleasurable and it didn't take the omega long to start panting, his own dick hardening in what felt like seconds.

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