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"S-stop hurting m-me! P-please!" Taehyung cried, shielding his face with his arms.

His body was quivering, covered in bruises and dark blotches and the omega bled in many places. The red liquid that exited the deep wound on his head ran down his forehead over his nose and chin until it dripped down onto the floor while he pressed himself further against the wall.

"Why should I stop? You're just a useless omega and we don't need such people in this world." a voice chuckled and seconds later, Taehyung found himself getting caged, his arms pinned above his head.

"NO! Let go of me, p-please!" the blonde cried, tears rolling down his face as he tried to free himself but the other's grip was too strong.

"Shut up, you weakling. Be good and stay still so I can drink your blood." the vampire hissed and Taehyung screamed as Jeongguk sunk his fangs into his neck.

But what surged through his was not pain, it was pleasure. The omega's breath hitched and he let out a mewl, suddenly feeling extremely sensitive while the royal blood continued to suck his blood. Taehyung quivered and moaned until the vampire detached his his fangs, eyes glowing scarlet red. The blood loss caused the omega to stumble and fall, breath heavy and erratic as he felt blood trickle down his neck.

Jeongguk still towered over him with hungry eyes, watching his every move. Taehyung tried to catch his breath but strangely, the longer he tried, the harder it became. Out of nowhere, an immense heat wave crashed down onto him and the omega moaned in pain, his cock stirring rapidly and slick wetting his pants.

No, this couldn't be! Why did his first heat have to start right now? Panting and moaning, Taehyung couldn't stop releasing his strong pheromones while desire clouded his mind, his erection starting to get painful. Despite his condition, Taehyung still panicked when Jeongguk bent down, eyes full of lust as he spread his legs.

"D-don't—ah!" the blonde pleaded, scooting away from the royal blood.

"Don't run away from me."


Taehyung shot up in his bed, his chest going up and down rapidly and he was panting heavily. His whole body was drenched in sweat and some droplets ran down his forehead. The omega's eyes were wide open, glowing in a beautiful arctic blue, his hands tightly gripping onto the sheets. Quickly reaching out to touch his neck, the omega let out a relieved sigh as he found his neck still unmarked.

Was Jeongguk already haunting him in his dreams? Exhausted, Taehyung let himself fall back onto the bed and closed his eyes, trying to recover from the shock. The nightmare had felt so damn real to the omega, Jeongguk's touches, his bite, the hot feeling of his heat and... the pleasure. Sighing out loud, the blonde curled himself into a ball and tried to fall asleep again which worked more or less.

A few hours later, his alarm clock rang and Taehyung grumbled quietly, turning it off and slipping out of bed, feeling like his whole energy was drained. After the blonde finished getting ready and packing all the stuff he needed for today's classes, he walked to his classroom.

Not many people were here yet but his dear friend Jeon Jeongguk decided to show up early today. Briefly preparing himself mentally, Taehyung took a deep breath before striding over to their desk, settling down while uttering a small 'Good morning' but as usual, he didn't get a reply.

Nervously playing with his fingers, the blonde looked everywhere but the vampire while he tried to focus on what his female classmates were talking about which turned to be about fashion. Internally rolling his eyes, Taehyung pulled out a notebook and began to draw the nightsky instead, using the special pencil his great-grandfather, who had loved to paint just like him, gave him shortly before he died.

While the omega looked at the pencil, a sad smile formed on his face, after all he missed his great-grandfather a lot but Taehyung also knew that he wouldn't have wanted his great-grandson to be sad while thinking about him. So instead, the omega recalled the few beautiful memories he could still remember since he had been a small pup when his great-grandfather died.

At some point, Taehyung was so occupied with his thoughts, he didn't notice the pencil slip from his hold. He only realised when it hit the material of the desk and rolled over to Jeongguk, stopping at his arm. The omega panicked when the royal blood sent him a glare before glancing down at the pencil.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I wasn't—"

Before Taehyung could continue, the royal blood had already grabbed the object and crushed it with his palm, the pencil breaking into hundreds of tiny parts.

"Paying attention..." the last two words came out as a mere whisper as Taehyung's eyes widened drastically.

The omega froze completely, the shock simply too big to do something else. It took him a few seconds to recover, slowly reaching out a shaky hand once he did, grabbing the particles. Jeongguk watched him in confusion, Taehyung's reaction somehow sparking a bad feeling inside him.

"Great-grandfather..." the blonde whispered hoarsely, tears pooling in his eyes as a sob raked through him, the sight causing Jeongguk's heart to sting slightly but he quickly suppressed it.

Moments later, Taehyung pushed his chair back with so much force that it fell over with a loud thump before running out of the classroom, eyes puffy and reddened as big tears cascaded down his cheeks, leaving his shocked classmates back.

It took the blonde 20 minutes to recover and even on his way back, he was still wiping some single tears away until he arrived at his classroom, quietly knocking on the door. The teacher opened up and immediately asked whether he was okay, Taehyung only nodding silently even though his eyes were still puffy and teary.

The omega walked through the classroom and sat down, hanging his head low as he felt the tears come back and the blonde sniffled. Suddenly, Jeongguk extended his hand, holding it low so Taehyung was able to see what was on his palm.

The omega shot up, eyes widening when he realised it was his pencil. But it wasn't broken anymore, it looked just like before, maybe even better. Instead of just taking the object, Taehyung grabbed the royal blood's whole hand and traced his trembling finger over the pencil, closing his eyes in relief that is was real and not some kind of prank.

Then he stiffened, this was the first time Jeongguk did something nice to him ever since they met. But why? Why now? Questions to which he had no answers filled his head until Taehyung noticed that was still kind of holding Jeongguk's hand inbetween his own, causing the omega's cheeks to heat up. Hurriedly, he took the pencil and pulled his hand back, murming a quiet 'T-thank you'.

"Thank Hobi." the vampire hummed uninterested and Taehyung nodded shyly before paying attention to class again.


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