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  »Ha, I won!«

»Noooo! You cheated!«

»You're just a sore loser, Arctos.«

»I'm not! And I want a revanche!«

»Alright, whatever you say.«

«Rock, Paper, Scissor...«

«Rock, Paper, Scissor...«





  Taehyung had to bite back a smile while his wolf Arctos continued to sulk about his loss at Rock, Paper, Scissor. Yeah, it's incredibly convenient to always have a friend that can keep you company during boring lessons.

  »Don't you dare say anything.«

»Alright, wolfy.«

»Stop calling me that, midget.«

»You stop first, wolfy.«

»Nope, you first, midget.«






»The hot vampire is looking at us.«

  Startled, Taehyung turned over to Jeongguk to find out that he wasn't looking at him at all. However, the royal blood observed the omega's sudden movements in the corner of his eyes and glanced at him annoyed. Immediately, Taehyung averted his eyes, a faint blush coating his cheeks and the vampire's gaze softened unconsciously.

  »I hate you.«


»How can you laugh about this? What if he beats me up because of this?«

»Pff, as if.«

»It's Jeon Jeongguk we're talking about here.«

»Oh shit, what did I do...«

»Thanks for understanding that you just caused me more trouble than I'm already in.«

»No prob.«

»I'm seriously thinking about dividing our bodies into human and wolf again.«

»Oh come on, why so mean today?«

»I don't know, I'm sorry, Arctos.«

»It's fine, now pay attention, Tae. Let's talk again later.«

  Listening to the teacher again, Taehyung began taking notes and for the rest of the lesson, nothing special happened. After the bell rang, the class walked over to the sports hall as their next lesson was PE. The students changed into their sports gear and gathered infront of the teacher on a platform in the arena-like sports hall.

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