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After some time Taehyung finally managed to fall asleep despite his racing heart, the sweet scent of Jeongguk calming him down. The royal blood stayed awake during the whole ride, gently rocking the other in his arms or tucking single strands behind his ear.

Fifteen minutes before they arrived, the vampire's eyes got droopy and he fell asleep seconds later aswell, sleeping peacefully with Taehyung all cuddled up to him. When the train slowly came to a stop, Hoseok quickly wrenched his way out of his seat, close to suffering a heart attack from Jimin being close to him the whole time when he passed Taehyung and Jeongguk. He halted, lips curling up into a smile due to their adorable position.

"What are you looking at?" Yoongi's voice asked from behind.

"Look." the witcher simply replied with a smile and the raven-haired male peeked over his shoulder.

"Oh my god, they're so cute!" Jimin squealed after squeezing himself between Hoseok and Yoongi, the latter of the two glaring at the pure blood.

"Mhm, they sure are..." Hoseok mumbled while eyeing Jimin, not noticing Yoongi was looking at him.

"Let's wake those sleepyheads up, hm?" Seokjin, who just popped up out of nowhere, suggested.

"Hi, hyung! Where were you and Namjoon? I haven't seen you two since departure."

"We had to sit at the very back thanks to Mr. Choi." Seokjin growled.

"Don't act like it was his fault, you almost picked a fight with him and I had to drag you off." Namjoon deadpanned and the vampire sulked.

"Whatever... Oh. My. God. Am I hallucinating or is Gguk actually holding our Taetae?" Seokjin squealed, Jimin doing the same, while the other three just looked at each other in defeat and shrugged.

"Well, too bad we have to wake them up." Seokjin shrugged, taking a deep breath.


Taehyung abruptly woke up with a scared whimper, anxiously gripping onto the royal blood's shirt in shock. Jeongguk however, didn't wake up from the older's scream but from his mate's whimper. The royal blood rose to his feet at an inhuman pace and while pressing his mate tightly against his chest, he let out the loudest and most threatening hiss of all times, his extended fangs even longer than usual.

Seokjin's eyes widened in fear and he fell down to the floor, staring up at Jeongguk in pure horror. The royal blood's eyes were not only a mat bloody red like usual but they were glowing threateningly and everyone could feel that he was so close to actually murdering Seokjin, definitely without any hesitation.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was still clutching onto the vampire, face hidden in his neck. His heart was racing from his hyung's surprise attack but strangely, the omega didn't feel scared at all, he felt oddly protected instead. After some moments he decided to shyly glance up but what the blonde saw, had him gasping.

Everyone, students as well as teachers were completely frozen, while staring at the furious royal blood, not daring to move a muscle. It seemed like everyone forgot how to move but as Taehyung looked closer, he saw the utter fear in their eyes. Half a minute passed by without anyone moving or saying anything, the blonde couldn't even hear anyone's breath despite Jeongguk's.

Wait... Jeongguk!

Taehyung looked up, slightly gasping when he saw a pair of vibrant scarlet orbs, but he wasn't the one the royal blood's murderous glare was directed at. Following his gaze, the omega's breath hitched when he realised the royal blood was staring at Seokjin who was crying without himself noticing. But the vampire wasn't the only one crying, others did, too. It took the omega a while to realise that the royal blood was controlling them all.

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