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⚠️tw: display of violence⚠️

As if his body forgot how to function, Taehyung kept standing infront of the class and stared at Jeongguk in shock. It took the teacher a few seconds to realise that something was wrong with the newcomer.

"Taehyung, are you alright?"

Jolting because of the sudden question, the blonde quickly nodded and reassured the teacher that he was fine, slowly making his way through the classroom while keeping his eyes glued to the floor. Once Taehyung arrived at Jeongguk's desk, he slowly sat down and crouched down in his seat, feeling extremely uncomfortable and sort of scared.

Nontheless, the blonde paid attention to what the teacher said, catching glimpses of Jeongguk and his stunning side profile from time to time. Soon, Taehyung figured he should properly apologise to the vampire even if his first attempt ended with the brunette almost killing him. So he hesitantly raised his finger to poke his shoulder but Jeongguk harshly slapped his hand away before Taehyung was even close to touching him.

"Don't you dare touch me." he spat in a quiet tone, startling Taehyung so much his eyes almost flashed blue.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I just wanted to a-apologise because of earlier..." the blonde mumbled between stutters.

"I don't give a fuck about your shitty apologies and don't expect us to become friends or you'll deeply regret it, got it, you weakling?"

Taken aback by the rude answer, Taehyung merely performed an anxious nod and dropped his gaze in his lap, trying to blink away the tears that had collected in the corners of his eyes. What had he done to set the vampire off like that? He had only walked into him and Jeongguk accidentally dropped his books, so why did the brunette have to be so mean?

Shrugging it off, Taehyung went back to listening to the teacher talking about the rules they had to follow until the lesson was over.

"That's it for today, children! And remember, the real classes begin from tomorrow on so prepare yourselves properly!"

Packing his things into his bag, Taehyung internally sighed, wondering what he'd done to be this unlucky. Wanting nothing more than to escape from this place, the blonde stood up and pushed his chair back, not noticing that Jeongguk was right behind him.

The chair hit the vampire's waist, not in a rough way but it made him stumble backwards a little. Taehyung whipped his head around, eyes going wide when he realised what happened. Jeongguk's furious glare was directed at him and the omega hurriedly pulled the chair back, looking back at the fuming vampire with big terrified eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't k-know you were b-behind—"

Before Taehyung could finish, Jeongguk lunged forwards and held him up by his collar. The blonde squeezed his eyes shut in fear, only to be thrown to the ground a few seconds later. When he reopened them, Taehyung suddenly found himself in an abandoned corner outside of the school and not in the classroom.

His anxious gaze fell on Jeongguk who towered above him, behind him three other guys, presumably his friends from earlier. One of them was rather small but looked like he could definitely kill Taehyung in an instant, the second one had really broad shoulders plus a sassy appearance and the last guy  somehow seemed too soft to be friends with Jeongguk.

"Wha— how?" Taehyung asked in a small voice, receiving an annoyed scoff from the vampire.

"Well, it'a pretty nice to own a wand, y'know?" the guy Taehyung held for a softie mocked, waving the magic stick around.

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