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  Unlike Namjoon, Yoongi was accepted into the group as soon as Jimin got him to sit with them. At first Jeongguk and Seokjin were a bit sceptical but when they received death threats from the pure blood they quickly let it slide. A week later, the group wandered off into the woods after school was done. After a while, Yoongi sensed how incredibly nervous they were, especially Hoseok.

"Yo, you guys good?"

The other six jolted at almost the same time, some muttering 'Jesus' or 'That scared me'. Now the raven-haired boy was completely confused.

"What the fuck are y'all so scared of?"

"Well, you weren't the one who almost got killed by an alpha werewolf!" Seokjin snapped.

"He was two meters tall!" Jimin interjected.

"And he's Hobi's mate."

"And probably somewhere around."

Yoongi blinked.

"So, you're basically trying to tell me there's a giant werewolf strolling around here somewhere and it's alive?" he repeated.

"Yes." Seokjin breathed.

"There's no way I believe that bullshit." Yoongi deadpanned and the rest groaned.

"C'mon Hobi, tell him it's true! He's your mate!" Jimin urged the witcher, not knowing that it made Hoseok's heart sting.

Ever since he met the pure blood, he'd developed feelings for him. And since he was aware of them, Hoseok had tried to confess to Jimin or at least give him some sort of hints but the vampire never bought it. But the witcher had never worried about anything, thinking that there always would be plenty of time to tell Jimin how he felt about him. But ever since he found his 'mate', the pure blood seemed to try to make him accept his mate, not realising that it was him Hoseok actually wanted to be with.

"Mhm, 's true." he muttered.

Yoongi stopped dead in his tracks. Something about the witcher seemed off ever since he had met him.

"What's wrong with you?" he questioned softly, gazing at Hoseok.

"What? There's nothing wrong with me, Yoongi." the witcher mumbled.

"Yeah, sure," the raven-haired boy replied sarcastically before gently grabbing his shoulders, "I know there's something you're not telling us, Hobi."

Hoseok gulped, successfully suppressing the faint blush from coating his cheeks. The way Yoongi called him felt just so natural and comforting, making small butterflies dance in his tummy.

"I'm fine, really." Hoseok lied again and Yoongi sighed, grabbing his neck and pulling him closer so their faces were only inches apart.

"When you're ready to tell me, do so. I'll wait." he whispered with a small smile and this time the witcher couldn't stop himself from flushing bright red.

"O-okay." he stammered just as quietly before backing away, embarrassed.

The rest shrugged and continued to walk ahead, Yoongi and Hoseok at the very back. Even though they didn't talk unlike the others, the athmosphere wasn't uncomfortable. The witcher had to admit he really liked the raven-haired boy's presence, it was like he understood him without Hoseok having to tell him what's wrong.

After a short walk, the group settled down by their usual spot at the small lake. They sat down in a circle, talking about random stuff until Jimin had an evil idea. He was dying to find out more about the newbie so he blurted out "Who wants to play truth or truth?!" and scared half of the others with his outburst.

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