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Taehyung slowly stirred awake, blinking tiredly to accomodate his eyesight to the darkness. Once his eyes got used to it, he realised he was still at the campus, his surroundings being awfully quiet. Even the slightest movements made him notice that his whole body hurt like hell and the blonde felt like waking up from being drunk for hours. Reaching up to rub his forehead with his hand, the omega hissed at the sharp pain that instantly penetrated his head.

"What... am I doing out here..?" he mumbled and slowly raised himself up which wasn't that easy with his legs being all wobbly.

When he turned around to see the hole in the wall, all the memories of upsetting Jeongguk and his friends which resulted in him getting beaten up flooded his brain. Taehyung sighed and shakily made his way to the dorms, taking longer than expected because no matter how much he tried, his body just didn't want to cooperate.

Once he finally arrived at the door of his dorm room, Taehyung reached down into his pocket to grab his key, only to find out that there was none. Banging his head against the door, he remembered how his bag dissolved into the air after Jeongguk ordered his witcher friend to do so.

A bad feeling consumed his body and when the school's big clock struck 2pm, Taehyung gave up and dropped down on the floor infront of his door, knowing he wouldn't be able to enter his dorm since all the teacher's were asleep and the spare key was inside. Cursing himself for agreeing to his parents' offer, the omega closed his eyes and hugged his knees close to his chest, soon falling asleep while the barrier's fake crescent moon climbed higher.

A few hours later, Taehyung got woken up by students leaving their dorms, giving him weird glances because the omega looked like a total mess, hair sticking up into all directions and his facial expression nothing but tired. But the blonde ignored them and got up, his mind too occupied with scolding himself for coming here, thinking he's actually find friends or maybe even his mate.

But no, instead fate gave a fuck about him and made him walk into a mad, murderous but oh so handsome vampire that wanted nothing but to kill him because Taehyung was the cause he accidentally dropped his books and unintentionally hit his waist with a chair which the blonde was sure didn't hurt him one bit.

Wanting to just dig his own grave and die, the blonde walked into the classroom, very pleased about the fact that he hadn't even had the chance to prepare himself for his first proper day of school.

The girls sent him worried glances as he sauntered across the classroom, plopping down next to Jeongguk with a lifeless expression. The vampire eyed him briefly, noticing how blank his stare was, not a single emotion present in them. Reaching down, he grabbed Taehyung's bag which he'd kept for the night.

"Here, you weakling." he scoffed and chucked it at the omega.

The bag hit Taehyung's shoulder and landed on the floor without the blonde even trying to catch it. He just continued to stare forwards emotionlessly, wondering if he was able to survive this year. Jeongguk kept an eye on him throughout the whole day, watching Taehyung's body being nothing more than a mere shell without any emotions.

The following weeks were pure horror for Taehyung. Jeongguk, his friends Seokjin, Hoseok and his cousin Jimin used every chance they got to teleport him to an abandoned place to beat the omega up. Taehyung's body was always covered in bruises and wounds because the amount had become so much his healing powers weren't fast enough to heal his injuries before the next ones appeared.

Taehyung gave up fighting back after a few days, knowing that talking back would only make it worse so he kept his mouth shut and silently let himself get beaten up. Only his teary eyes and his pained facial expression showed the extreme pain he was feeling each time Jeongguk kicked or punched him, over and over again until he laid on the ground, unconscious and bleeding. The blonde would always cry himself to sleep, too afraid what would happen if he started crying while they beat him up so he bit the tears back with all force, no matter how painful it was.

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