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  Taehyung whimpered out as his butt came in contact with the ground uncomfortably after Jeongguk had pushed him. The omega was still panting from the exhausting exercise, water droplets running down his body and his legs were all filthy now because dirt clung to his still wet calves.

"Gguk, don't you think this is a bit harsh?" Hoseok whispered in concern while eyeing the worn-out blonde.

"No, this bastard needs to be taught a lesson for underestimating my kind." Jeongguk growled lowly and already wanted to lunge forwards but Jimin's hand on his shoulder held him back.

"No, Jeongguk, you won't. That's enough, don't you see that he just tried to help you? And also, this guy doesn't know anything about royal bloods and their pride so why would he try to make you look stupid infront of everyone?" Jimin sighed.

"But—" Jeongguk interrupted but his cousin's grip on his shoulder tightened.

"No, Jeongguk, enough." Seokjin clarified.

"Let's go." Jimin said and the three turned around, walking away.

The royal blood didn't move a muscle, his eyes widened and his body completely frozen. Did his friends just take the weakling's side and leave him? His hands curled into fists, rage and fury boiling inside of him, his breathing getting heavier as he grit his teeth. This guy was just a fucking weakling who didn't respect the vampire species and his friends just let that slide?!

Irritation made his eyes turn a bloody red and Jeongguk let out a low growl as his furious gaze fell on Taehyung's exhausted form. The royal blood grit his teeth and his breath became even more faster. Meanwhile, Jimin turned around in confusion, wondering why his cousin didn't follow them and saw that he hadn't moved a single a muscle yet, shoulders heaving up and down from his heavy breathing.


"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT, YOU FUCKER!!!" the royal blood roared.


But before Jimin could do anything against it, Taehyung was already screaming as Jeongguk lunged forwards and held him up, almost crushing his windpipe before landing a strong punch at his stomach, sending the blonde flying.

The omega hit the ground roughly, his body even rolling a few meters further. Coughing blood, Taehyung gasped for air when his vision blurred, the only thing he was hearing was a shrill beeping sound and the faint screams of Jimin, Hoseok and Seokjin trying to stop the royal blood.

His mind buzzed and his head was spinning as Jeongguk suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed his head, pulling him up his hair, the pain forcing a strained whimper out of Taehyung. The omega had trouble with keeping his normal eyecolor under the royal blood's bloodthirsty gaze.

"You'll pay for that." Jeongguk growled and the blonde squeezed his eyes shut as he saw the vampire raise his hand.

But the impact never came.

Instead, someone separated them and Taehyung was pulled into a chest, an arm protectively wrapped around his waist to balance him. Fluttering his eyes open, the omega glanced up at his savior. It was a tall, handsome guy, with a sharp jawline, adorable dimples and red intimidating eyes, causing the blonde to blush.

"Don't you ever dare hurt him again!" the male spoke, his voice low and threatening.

Taehyung was too overwhelmed to say something so he anxiously pressed himself tighter against his handsome savior, hiding his face in his chest. Something about the stranger holding the omega so close ticked Jeongguk off even more and it only added to his rage, making the royal blood clench his jaw.

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